
Name: |
Michelle Marie Chastain Johnson, 54/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 7:03 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 14 days ago |
Location: | Statesboro, Georgia United States
"Beware this wolf's bite is more deadly than her call!" |
About me:
I am a Nurse,an ex- body piercer and BSN student.
I like being out in the woods, nature, at the beach ect... I'm comfortable around a crowd of Tattoo and Body modifictaion fiends, Bikers and their Bitches, intellectuals and older peers. Just because I look and act one way with a group friends or not does not mean I am unapproachable... want to talk to me talk to me.... I don't bite...well .... hard anyway! But I do reserve the right to nibble!
I am Wiccan and have been for 9 years now.( And NO I do not need to be Born Again OR Saved, So if my choice of faith offends you move on because I do not wanna hear about it from you I have people already around me trying to "save my soul from damnation" I do not push my beliefs onto others and ask for the same respect! Thank you... End of soap box)
Was/is married 22 years, together 25, process of Seperating. Ihave two boys ages 20 & 13. I have 2 dogs both Min Pins, The oldest is Mysty Of Avalon and the baby is Sabina Of Atredies.
About you:
I have 18 Tattoo's with more on the way, I also have 12 piercings to various areas of the body...YES I have them THERE, AND YES SOME DID HURT FOR A SECOND AT THE TIME! But the pleasure after is worth it!!!
I believe age is a state of mind and no one should act like it. I believe in self expression and self pleasure any way you can find it.
Who I'd like to meet...... The maquise De Sade... I believe that Pain is my pleasure! To quote a favorite local Metal band...Psyknyne. Scott Selph and his band Rule! Any one that will show off their nipple piercings with me on a stage with 800 bikers is cool with me! PEACE
Looking for: | Friendship |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds (lead): | The Four Hallows Wolf Den | Herds: | We Have Tattoos, Witches/Wiccans/Pagans, Speak - friend - and enter..., Sexy Riderz, Texas Forsaken Bikers | |
Michelle's tales
I have been AWOL the last 2 weeks, well honestly the last 2 months, it seems my life needed more chaos... My, I thought, loving spouse of 25 years has decided to basically chuck our marriage in a text message 2000 miles away when on business, he returns to the den and promptly sleeps on the couch and refuses to discuss WTF is going on. To pour salt in my wounds I have been black balled by my in-laws who upon investigation have no clue what's going on in our house... Well... Til I blew a gasket and told my brother in laws boyfriend via text why I was not invited/present at thanksgiving or Christmas... So to add more salt to myopen wounds, my oldest son turned 20 yesterday. My youngest son and I come home to do cake and was informed via facebook my family was out celebrating his birthday with outmyself or his 13 yr old brother. Yeah mama wolf is on a rampage! Especially when your estranged husband IS STILL IN THE FAMILY HOME!!!!
Michelle Marie Chastain Johnson "~MIZ HELLFIRE~" Sexy
- 11 years, 2 months, 7 days ago
MY ALTER EGO! Just because I wear magenta highlights in my hair, and I like leather and lace, whips and chains.... Ryan My buddy at the Tattoo shop drew this for me for Christmas I was one of the first Girls to recieve one of his Carictures. (Usually only the boys got to get them) BUT it's nice to know that even in my alter ego I HAVE KILLER TATTOOS!
Michelle Marie Chastain Johnson "~MIZ HELLFIRE~" Sexy
- 16 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
What do your eyes say about you? | 
 Eyes of Passion Fiery, thats what you are. You have passion in your soul. You are the person that will defend those that you love with your very life, and to the death. You are not a person to piss off. If ever one you loved was in danger you would be the first to offer to take their place, and without a second�s hesitation. | How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
Michelle Marie Chastain Johnson "~MIZ HELLFIRE~" Sexy
- 16 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
What wolf are you? | 
 You are an Alpha Wolf. You take charge in all sorts of situations. You lead those around you, and they follow what you say. You have a strong personality and don't let anyone push you around. And if someone gets on your nerves, you let them know by bearing your teeth! Volition and dominance run thick in your blood. | How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
Michelle Marie Chastain Johnson "~MIZ HELLFIRE~" Sexy
- 16 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
What kind of wolf are you? | 
 Midnight stalker your clan and you rome the earth at night, you bring forth the music of the night. You think to proudly of yourself and in the end that saves your pack. Bring you head down a bit. | How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
Michelle Marie Chastain Johnson "~MIZ HELLFIRE~" Sexy
- 16 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
Michelle's Den
Tit for Tat a little of this and that.... Some of my favorite things! ENJOY and Thanks for stopping by!
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