Hello Human Pets - it's my birthday - the big 3 0 no less and I'm very excited about it all. So wherever you may be, and whatever you may be doing, raise yourself a wee glass of something cheeky and let's get this party started! xx
Unknown "Foxy bear cub" Cheeky
- 16 years, 4 months, 15 days ago
Companions: Sometimes life can seem like a very long journey to take all on your own. And sometimes it all seems a little too much. But the world is a strange and beautiful place, if sometimes frightening, and the paths we tread are not always obvious and immediately apparent to us. But our friends and lovers, in all their many wide and varied forms are there with us to walk along beside, behind and in front of us. Our paths may not always be the fairy tales of 2.4 happiness in so many an old tale, but they are no less valid or wonderous. So here's to my beautiful companions, who mean so much to me and light the way in dark places. Across the sea.... A pale moon rises x
Unknown "Foxy bear cub" Cheeky
- 16 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
Job Hunting: It's like shopping for shoes. Not something you necessarily want to do, or to prioritise, but definitely rewarding once you actually get round to it. But here's the dilemma... do you apply for everything you might get, or do you hang fire and only go for what you want? And how is that decision affected when your current job saps your soul? Do you lose confidence and retreat the longer you are out of your chosen career path? Is it easier sometims to just float along, even if it makes you miserable? Probably, but all the best changes require hard work and sometimes a good shaking down of your inbuilt apathy. And, just liek those brand spanking new shoes, it's definitely worth the trek. Never lose sight of your dreams and goals folks! x
Unknown "Foxy bear cub" Cheeky
- 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
Hey guys, I'm just beginning to explore HP more, and have recently opened my shop, the Cubby Hole. I'm very excited, and a happy, fuzzy cub indeed. I hope you enjoy some of the treats on offer, and I look forward to expanding my Hole over the coming months!
Unknown "Foxy bear cub" Cheeky
- 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago