If you had to choose an animal you best could describe yourself, what would it be? this gets asked so much in quizes etc and I can always say or would always want to say a snake, I love them and there just absolutly intrieging and amazing the amount of variety they come in species and colours. you can be fitted with the most brightest brillant orror of colour and shimmer in the sun or the moon light but also at the same time feared by many. doesn't matter if you cant kill them there still drawn by fear of the unknown or miss leading information about these spectacular animals. People are so scared of them and why? why I ask myself so many times...why cant they see the same thing I see and see that these animals are here surviving on earth in a spectacular way having only one way to catch food that could be the ultimate survivalists out of all species of animal. not all snakes can kill you and infact they are known as pythons there sillent and swift, creeping through the night in search for safe place to sleep, a mate or every so often dinner. they only bite if placed in a threatening sittuation, and most times if bitten doesn't hurt anyways beeing a snake breeder and keeper I should know lol. they use there body to rap around and constrict its prize and then swollow it hole. only needing to fill up and last another week - month before it feeds again.
this is why I choose the snake they are the altimate survivalists and deserve a hell of a lot more respect instead of people thinking a good snake is a dead snake!!!
this is a asked question for many years why? Why do you think like this? and why must you kill everything that scares you? there not going out of there way to kill you!!! and the only time they do bite is when someone has disturbed there sleep, poked them or picked them up. threatening any wild animal will get you in trouble. humans kill more snakes then snakes have killed humans, that goes with loads of other animals, always if a human feels threatened it will kill in order to feel better about a situation!!!
if you don't want to get bitten don't go looking for trouble...simple thing to do is if you see a snake in it's natral habitat leave it alone its not hurting you, its got more of a right to be there then you do.
Unknown "♡Mrs K-W♡" Wild
- 16 years, 5 months, 10 days ago