Lights and shadows play on the wall
Night drags on and time semms to stall
Holding pictures I stare at your face
Reaching out to grasp only empty space
Closing my eyes to remember your touch
I drift from my body casting it away like a crutch
The scent of your hair beckons me on the wings of a breeze
Flying to you over houses and trees
Your gentle loving touch caresses me as I soar higher
With the force of our love I can never tire
Reaching your window I climb in your room
The thought of your presense causes me to swoon
Going over next to where you lay asleep
Into your arms I begin to creep
Then with a jolt I am back in my bed
Starting another dat with you in my head
Darcy Jones
any spelling errors are my fault
Unknown "Wild Pancake" Adventurous
- 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago