
Name: |
Panda , 33/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 6:02 PM |
Join date: | 16 years, 10 months, 7 days ago |
Location: | Layton, Utah United States
"i may seem cuddley but im actually very feirce " |
About me:
Sooooooo alright first thing you need to kow about me i speak my mind and im very open. though when you get me in a crowed i dont really speak much one on one im fine. i have to behave my self because if i dont i normally get to out of corntrol with the things that i say i always end up making some one mad. but for the most part im a pretty nice person i love drawing i need to find me a tablet so that i can draw better on the computer i have finally figured out how to work photoshop! so yeah i believe that a tablet will greatly help me plus painting with the mouse is dificult and i get sloppy and that is not good when painting no sir! anyways um... im hyper at times i had a few friends ask me if i was on crack cause i was so hyper and weird the other day. i admit i have done drugs before but im over with that rebelious fuck you mom and dad im going to screw up my life and sluff and smoke pot with the stoners phase. though its gotten me into pretty rotten situations being deserted in a blizzard, getting into a fight with my friends phsychotic ex girlfriend.
being kicked out of school and being placed into an alternative school because i am so low on graduation credits. though my life's turned around now i am struggling to meet the deadline. i am almost 18 now i have about three more months to go :) and i'll be out of utah i dont really kow where im going first i guess i should really think it out but i might just float around diferent places and stay with diferent people. my mother tells me that not that smart of an idea...maybe she's right but i dont really want to stay here utah has done all that i can for me its time to move on and cure my traveling bug! anyways i talk weird and i normally dont say certain words how they are supposed to be said but who can blame me with words like Bologna thats supposed to be said boloney! so until i deem fit Bologna is Bologna not boloney.... well atleast in my messed up dictionnary. some words i have a dificult time saying with out messing up words like cemetery and Seminary. and i dont say aligators i say alergaters. and Animals is aminals if you have a problem with my terms of speach then fine doesnt matter to me. you dont have to talk to me :P
for the most part im nice so if you do wanna talk im usually a good listener and i talk occasionally.
though keep in mind i am shy at times.
OH! one more thing i think i likes my owners :) if our my owner then your cool in my eyes and you gets lotsa pet loves :) im not anyones specific pet i leave if i dont like you and i get stolen if some oen else wants me that just ow it works i dont care who has me as long as im in a good home it doesnt matter :D
About you:
heres the down low i Love everyone! there is not one person in this world that i hate unless you have done something so horribley wrong to me or one of my friends i dont not hate you i rarley get mad. and im firendly to everyone that i meet i love new people and i warm up to people really fast when im constantly around them. so yeah um i have a boyfriend right now so im not really looking for anyone to date but i'd love to be your friend :)
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Bi
| Herds: | We love art!, Pagan Pets, *Bi and Lesbian Girls*, Angels... x x, ◄►♀◄► WIŁÐ◘PӘŦš ◄►♂◄►, Sirian Black-fanclub, Human Pets Success Stories, ©ӐԼԼ ƬĦĘ ƁĘĄƱŦƗƑƱԼ ŞƗŊŊĘƦŞ™ | |
Panda's tales
Moving yay! so right now i'm helping my soon to be Room mate pack up her stuff so she can move into our apartment in Kansas City MO. Sad cause one of my only friends in utah is leaving me but happy because she'll be there when i get there. YaY! cant wait for this year to be over =3
Panda "♥Panda♥" Loving
- 16 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
Alright so i have an ear infection and i can't sleep....not that its any different form my everyday insomniac life its just this time its followed by pressure and peircing pains when ever i swallow....-.- my god i feel like i'm dying
Panda "♥Panda♥" Loving
- 16 years, 7 months, 17 days ago
I found a really comfortable palce to sleep at my friends house last night. he had a big end of the school year bash and invited half the population of layton so sleeping space was limited. but luck me i can find small spaces comfortable. ^-^ i curled up and slept under his computer desk with his puppies it was honestly one of the best sleeps i have had in a very long time ^-^
Panda "♥Panda♥" Loving
- 16 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
well schools out for me :) happyness ! though i'm truly going to miss the dances . especially the Halloween one ^-^ i had so much fun for my first high school dance it was pretty cool. my friends Dressed as Vampires and i was a Fallen Angel Captured by the Vampire leader >^-^<
Panda "♥Panda♥" Loving
- 16 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
Such a cold touch to the skin. is there any life left? winters chill takes hold a blizzard claims the warmth from inside death on a cold winters night
Panda "♥Panda♥" Loving
- 16 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
Luna's shop :o
hope you find something you like if you have any suggestions for items that i can put up feel free to send me a tell:) if you think some of my prices are to high please tell me and i'll see what i can do ^_^ will have new items up tomorrow :D
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