tall tale! do you every wonder why they fit cow's into computer's come on, do you have days where your computers slow, unresponsive , dose what the hell it likes, plays hid and seek with your files, these are all traits of cows, the worse is yet to come after doing their dodos the sudden and unexpected blue screen of death i call it the cow splatted my comp syndrome.
Unknown "mushroom ;-)"
- 17 years, 1 month ago
A long time ago i had a hamster, that one day got stuck in our toaster!!!!! so off we went to the vets with the toaster, got weird looks from people as we walked down the streets, yes why would anyone want to take a toaster for a walk?? when we got to the vets the vet nurse said i am sorry we don't deal with toasters, so i had to tell her that my hamster had got stuck in the toaster and i was there to see if they could get him out, so a little while later we saw a vet and he manage to get my hamster out but the toaster had seen better days, hamster was fine hurray, but that the last time i left my hamster which was named hammy with my friend while going to the ladies
Unknown "mushroom ;-)"
- 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago