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"Mighty mouse"

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50 pts
Unknown's tales
This is a popular Spanish story, there is probably an English version out there... this is my version though :)

In a very small town, there was an old man and a kid (his grandson) that were about to start a very long journey. They took a horse and they loaded it with all the food and water they would need for this journey. They decided not to overload the horse so both of them walked. They started their trip and a couple of days after they got to a neighbor village. People there started criticizing them and asking how they could possible be walking, specially the old man, if they had a horse that could carry them... So the old man decided to ride the horse and let the kid walk. They continued their journey and a day later, they got to another village. Again... when the strangers arrived, people started talking about them but this time they said: "Oh... what a bad guy... he is on the horse and the poor kid has to walk under this terrible sun". The old man felt so guilty that he decided to let the kid ride the horse and he would walk. In the next village the same thing happen, this time people said: "How can this boy be so careless... his grandfather can't walk these long distances, it’s too hot and he is too old". They decided to both ride the horse and continue the trip. When they finally got to their destination, you already know what happened... This time people were pointing them because they were cruel putting so much weight on this poor horse!!

I guess you can never make people happy... so why bother? :) Just try to make YOURSELF happy

Unknown "Mighty mouse" Hungry - 17 years, 14 days ago

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You have been given LONELY WITHOUT U.
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Unknown Carefree - 17 years, 5 days ago
Stop by with some thumbs so i can buy you back.
road "Take Me Home" Adventurous - 17 years, 7 days ago
Great story Ana"Mighty mouse"
road "Take Me Home" Adventurous - 17 years, 7 days ago
Here's something you might enjoy.
You were taken on a trip! You have been taken camping.
Carl Tender - 17 years, 8 days ago
ty! they are wonderful!
Unknown "Matts CuteCanuck" Frisky - 17 years, 11 days ago
AndreaK "Me RED toker NFS" Wild - 17 years, 11 days ago
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