omg, look what my bf wrote, hehehe this is why i love him
I often find myself daydreaming. And u always seem to pop into my mind. This is one of those dreams.
The boy sits alone in the airport waiting. All around him people are buzzing with excitement. They’re preparing to meet family, loved ones, and old friends.
The boy only has eyes for the arrival terminal. He presses his hands together to keep them from shaking. He’s never been this nervous in his entire life. He had waited over a year for this day, and now that it was happening it all seemed to be a dream.
A soft ping and a woman’s voice echoed throughout the airport, announcing the arrival of a flight.
It’s the one he’s been waiting for.
He stands up and nearly stumbles. His knees are weak. Why does he feel this way?
He smiles to himself. Love is truly an amazing thing.
He watches as the first person arrives. He’s a young man, and is barely through the terminal when a pretty young girl launches herself at him and kisses him deeply.
The boy looks up at the newly reunited couple. He catches the man’s eye and winks. The man smiles and winks back.
An elderly women comes through next. She’s met by a man of around her own age. She drops the luggage she’s carrying and holds her arms out. The boy notices the golden wedding band on her ring finger and shakes his head, smiling.
In moments he’s surrounded by excited lovers, family members, and friends who have finally been reunited with their loved ones.
Where is she?
The boy looks expectantly at the terminal but only sees unfamiliar faces.
He begins to panic. Was she even on the plane?
He feels a hand on his shoulder and turns around, his heart pounding.
It’s the elderly lady. She wants him to help with her luggage.
The boy politely nods and helps her lift the heavy bags onto a trolley.
When he’s done he looks to the terminal again and feels his heart thump into his throat.
She was just standing there like a statue looking at him. She looks exactly like she did in all the pictures. A golden light is glowing behind her, bathing her in light and giving her the appearance of being an angel.
The boy slowly walks toward her, not daring to look away from her… he’s afraid this is all a dream…
And then he stops a foot away from her. Neither of them speak for a moment; they just stare at each other.
After a while the boy speaks. ‘Hey.’
‘Hey,’ the girl smiles at him.
The boy can’t take it anymore. He grabs her and pulls her close to him.
She wraps her arms around his neck and buries her face in his shoulder. He feels a tear drop from an eye.
‘I’ve waited so long for this moment,’ he whispers into her ear.
‘mmm,’ she sighs and holds him closer.
The boy pushes her away and looks into her eyes. ‘I was so afraid this was all a dream,’ he tells her.’
‘It never was,’ she reaches up and he kisses her softly.
The boy can feel eyes on him from all directions. He smiles.
Gently he lifts the girl off her feet and spins her on the spot. They both laugh.
When he puts her down he takes her hands in his. ‘Are you ready to go?’
She nods and he releases one of her hands and picks up her bag. Together the walk out the airport, neither one daring to speak.
babe I hope this makes u understand how much I love u.
Shane Nel "mine forever" Loving - 47 min ago Delete
Tonni "sVeety" Tender
- 16 years, 3 months, 25 days ago