Okay, so, here's a good one. Ever heard of the "Pajamas-Inside-Out, Spoon-Under-the-Pillow-Snow-Day Ritual"? Well, I hadn't until a few days ago. I figured I'd give it a try, y'know? So, I went to bed with my pajamas inside-out and a spoon under my pillow (since the weather was supposed to be pretty bad)... And VOILA! Like magic, I had a snow day today! I, personally, was amazed. :)
Unknown "Carebear" Injured
- 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
All four of my wisdom teeth were removed yesterday. :( Woke up this morning with a mouthful of blood, two loose stitches, and a whole lot of pain. Great way to spend the holidays, huh?
Unknown "Carebear" Injured
- 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago