Im a writer, yep thats me, so I write. Random mad things jump into my head and I erm... write them down. Like so...
I have something, something unlike others do,
Something they brag and claim but they're false lies untrue.
It flows through my being, heart, mind, body, spirit, soul,
It gives me that thing, but the burden takes it's toll.
I can mess with your mind, because I know that I can,
It will break you or make you to see what I really am.
I can twist and cement what I will in your head,
I can be your wildest wettest dream, or the soul crushing nightmare, that you'll always dread.
My words are my abilities, my weapons, love and hate diamond hard,
They can wrap you and comfort you, or cut through any guard.
My words can leave you wet, trembling, begging, unable to find,
anything other than me on your tortured played mind.
Don't tell me of your strength, your resolve or control,
All control is is a charade, a facade, a cloak to hide a weak soul.
I could take it anytime, if I wanted, if I wish, felt like it, just for fun.
I'd give you sweet moments, before advising you run.
If you don't know what I have yet, it's time that I tell,
this will only chill some, like a tolling death bell.
Y'see, I have power, one that's beyond your compare,
but I advise you to not look at me with that pathetic glare.
My power makes me untouchable, incorruptable, a pure good and dark heart,
if you haven't understood, just go back to the start.
This is the end and the moral to this is my power, like compared to an ocean there is nothing wetter,
MY power compared to all others... is Just Plain Better.
Unknown "Mine-mwahahaha;P" Content
- 16 years, 4 months, 15 days ago