We don't have information about this Facebook user. They need to sign up at HumanPets.com.
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| Herds (lead): | People for helping others, 100 Thumbs to help with my Cause | Herds: | Sexy Gay Boys, STAOP, Love is for everyone herd, Recreational thumbing, The Gay Pride, Prophets & Messiahs, Gay Americas, Gay boyfriends herd, Screw girls, we like guys! |
500 pts
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Unknown's tales
***UPDATE*** Hello, everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that after tonight, I will be takeing a break for a few days from being online and what not. I have allot on my mind and some things to sort out. If you want to send me any messages, please send them to xxdarrynashleyxx@aim.com You all take care, and i will talk to you soon. Darryn
Unknown "Ash" Tired
- 17 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
***ATTENTION TO ANYONE THAT HAS HELPED ME WITH MY QUEST*** Please drop me a message, and let me know what you have bid on any auctions. How many pages you have thumbed, etc. I have started a list, and will get to everyone. I just need a bit of time, I am currently working on Nicoles pages. Everyone that has done something for this quest will get paid back, from me, and my friend. Just let me know. A great big thanks. Much love, Darryn
Unknown "Ash" Tired
- 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
**CREATED MY OWN HEARD** For all of you out there who share the same passion of helping others, Please add my heard. If you are not in on that, feel free to just us a few thumbs. Thanks you all for your wonderful help and wonderful comments/messages. Much love, Darryn
Unknown "Ash" Tired
- 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
About Auctions: I am not one that requirs min. Bids or dontations. I look for points so i can help you out when you have an actution. I don't help everyone. I look for the special ones. And ones of which really need help, and are not fake to my eyes. I take my time and choose wisely. So your points or whatever...will go to good causes. Nothing will be wasted.(ehhhemmm...like us tax dollars) Anyways...thats that. I am easy going. And will do pretty much anything for anyone that ask for it. That's what i am destined to do. Take care && and Thanks for your time. With much love, Darryn
Unknown "Ash" Tired
- 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
Just thought that i would set out and tell you what I am about on Human Pets: I am looking for points in general. I am here to help out others in need of points. I dont waste anyones points on auctions that are rude, stupid, imatture, etc. I am here solely to help out others in need. If you need help, let me know and I will do so to the best of my ability. I dont look for prizes for any one auction that I win. I get enough graditude from bidding on your auction, but all gifts, actions, comments, messages, and prize will be greatly appreciated, but NOT manditory. Thanks. && Much love Darryn
Unknown "Ash" Tired
- 17 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
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