Itt Altruism.
Look here for knowledge. And words. The two are stuck together. The words are like a box, and you can put the wisdom in them - a better allegory would be a kinder egg!
I think the most altruistic thing to do for society would be to punch everyone in the face, repeatedly. For 32 hours or so. When I stop, which will be sudden and unexplained, just like when i burst into their house and hid myself in the mattress so I could wake them up with my fist in the first place. They'll gain a whole new outlook on life, the grass will be so much greener - this is a metaphor to show how unpunched their face will become (obviously it has already been punched, so it's not 100% unpunched but it's not being punched at the time). This tension and release technique will make them appreciate the status of their face (how high or low on the being punched axis, in particular) and will show them that things could always be worse. They would be cheered up and maybe they would then go on to punch their neighbours as a display of further altruism. This would convert violence into altruism and maybe all negative actions could be translated in this way until nothing is bad ever again. If the zeitgeist changes too much, acts of benevolence could be seen as hostile; but eventually it would come full circle. Very pagan in a way. But with less sex. Unless it was angry sex, with lots of punching.
The best kind.
Unknown "Patrick Bateman"
- 16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago