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Sylvain Subervie | - Free online hangout and friends
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Sylvain Subervie
"Mon Chat"

Sylvain Subervie
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

About me:
About you:
Looking for:
Herds (lead): rammstein fans
Herds: TH3 S3XY P3OPL3, I Love Paris !!!
Sylvain's tales
Sylvain Subervie
this is my spank bank. thumb if u think i deserve a spank
Sylvain Subervie "Mon Chat" Playful - 16 years, 5 days ago
Sylvain Subervie
Hair colour = brown
Eye colour= brown
Professiondisable= barista
Fav colour= red/black, depends
Fav film = zoolander
Fav sondisable= how it ends - Devotchka
Fav book = The long walk - S. King
Fav shop = Disturbed - Camden Town, London
Beer or wine = Wine
Coffee or tea = Coffee
Summer or winter = Summer
Morning or night = Night
Have you ever stolen anything = yes
Ever had sex in public place = yes
Ever lied = yes
Ever been arrested = yes
Ever wished u were someone else = yes
Ever had a one night stand = no
Biggest fear = that my wife gives birth to a ....... (GAAAaaaHH!!!)
Biggest mistake = moving to London
Ever blacked out from drinking = yes
Ever felt like killing someondisable= yes
Do you believe in love = sometimes
Song played at your funeral = Joey Ramone - Wonderful world
Would you kiss someone on hp = yes!
Ever done drugs = still do, spank me!

Sylvain Subervie "Mon Chat" Playful - 16 years, 2 months, 10 days ago

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Sylvain Subervie
i'm not on this profile anymore, click on my name to find my new one
Sylvain Subervie Lazy - 15 years, 6 months, 29 days ago

Big Smile to put One On ur Face You have been given Big Smile to put One On ur Face.
Crafted by Tinker
G-O-N-E - 15 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Lora Thrasher
Felatio from Dad! You have been given Felatio from Dad!.
Crafted by Lora Thrasher
Lora Thrasher "SL lowrise" Sparkling - 15 years, 8 months, 19 days ago
Gabriela Gaby Gabs
Salut mon pot, j'espère que tu te sens meilleurs que la dernière fois q'on a parlé. Je sais que la vie peut être difficile parfois… donc si t'as besoin de parler… faites me le savoir ! Big Bisous, Gabs
Special Hugs just for you! You have been given Special Hugs just for you!.
Crafted by Gabriela Gaby Gabs
Gabriela Gaby Gabs "Gabriela" Purring - 15 years, 8 months, 24 days ago

Felatio from Dad! You have been given Felatio from Dad!.
Crafted by Lora Thrasher
G-O-N-E - 15 years, 8 months, 28 days ago

Original French Fromage You have been given Original French Fromage.
Crafted by Brice Dekany
Louuuuuuuuuu "pahketprincess" /Confused - 15 years, 8 months, 28 days ago
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