Warranty exceptions for Pelican Cases: Shark Bite, Bear Attack, Children under the age of 5. Never underestimate a child under the age of 5. They are as dangerous as sharks and bears. Proof can be found at http://www.pelican.ca/support/guarantee.php
Unknown "Love Monkey" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
Parenting: There is nothing funnier than waking up to the sound of the squeeky toys in your toddler's bed.
Unknown "Love Monkey" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
Pregnancy continued: There are no fixtures in the delivery room other than her bed that are comfortable to sleep on!! Go use the couch in the waiting room.
Unknown "Love Monkey" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
Pregnancy continued: I have come to learn that male doctors don't usually make good OBGyn's. On our first trip to the OBGyn he told my fiancee that she had gained 11 lbs since last being weighed at the pregancy clinic and that was too much of a weight gain between weigh-ins. She should learn to control her cravings for junk food. (Up until that point my fiancee's diet consisted of mostly fruit, vegetables and lean meats.) When the doctor left the nurse looked at my fiancee and said, "Every woman has one high weigh-in due to fetus growth and that it is perfectly normal, just ignore him." My fiancee, being who she is, spent the next week induldging in Hot Coco with vinilla icecream, ice cream cookie sandwiches, and whatever junk food she could get her hands on. The next weigh-in showed that she had actually lost some weight and was congradulated by the doctor for her efforts to control her cravings. After that she went back to her lean diet with the occasional Hot Coco with ice cream topping.
Unknown "Love Monkey" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
Pregnancy continued: Very early one morning I was awakened by the usual bathroom runs by my prenant fiancee and thought nothing of it. Then I heard a 'thud', slightly concerned I ask the usual question, "Are you OK?". "Yep, just got a little disorentated in the dark and walked into the wall." Seconds later a second 'thud', "Are you OK?". "Yes, did it again." By this point she had only travelled a couple steps around the bed towards the door. After that she learned to leave one hand on the bed as a guide and then to make sure she walked slowly with her arms out just incase.
Unknown "Love Monkey" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago