Moody, bruised, obnoxious, temperamental, disturbing, laid back, smartass, addicted to music. At times I feel like I'm falling to pieces. A Work in progress. I'm slowly molding myself into the person I want to be. Eventually I'll smile like I mean it.
About you:
People who don't steal pets...I warn those that try it, I will come after you....I'm a mean old buzzard when it comes to my pets! If you're interested, talk to ME first, and I'll discuss it with my pet, otherwise, bugger off! Do not buy me without talking with me first please!
Rowan "Dreamer"Tender
- 16 years, 4 months, 12 days ago
So...ummm....yeah....people suck! End of story! Rowan "Dreamer"Tender
- 16 years, 4 months, 18 days ago
Rowan "Dreamer"Tender
- 16 years, 4 months, 20 days ago
So, today was quite an interesting day...I had quite the argument with someone, have had to rethink my job now as to weither I will stay, or go...and I come home, and there is a "Yes on 8" poster in the front of my, for those of you not in the know...Prop 8 in California states a rewriting of the California Constitution to ban gay marriage in the come on, is that proper? Should we allow marrige for one, and not another? What ever happened to "all men created equally"? (and what ever happened to this kid that keeps crying all the fricken time?!!!) How would our forefathers in California react to this? Would they have revolted? Would they have passed it? I truely do wonder, and wish we could go back and find this out...truely I do!!
What would you do if you came home to find the Prop 8 poster on your lawn? I have a STRONG desire to pull it up from the ground, and burn it in front of the whole neighborhood to see...maybe I'll pull them out late at night tonight just in spite of people...*strokes chin hairs......* Rowan "Dreamer"Tender
- 16 years, 5 months, 6 days ago
Humilty! That is all I ask for, just a smiggen of humility from you. Is it that hard to admit, for once in your life, that you got too deep and too in over your head that now you need help getting out again, but instead, you lash out, slash your hands in the water that you drown in only to pull yourself in deeper, if you would just relax, listen to that which is around you, you'll hear the universe telling you "Shhh, my child. Calm yourself. I'm here, always have been, always will be. I shall never leave your side, nor let you go until I need you here with me. Let those I have on the earth help you, they are there not to hurt you, but to guide and heal you. I am sorry for the past pains, and the future ones. But they are there to help you, teach you, love you. Please care for them, please, let them help you." Rowan "Dreamer"Tender
- 16 years, 7 months, 5 days ago