Figured since its been a back and forth petting thing id drop a comment and a sweet ass rose
You have been given a dark rose.
- 16 years, 11 months, 22 days ago
NEVAAAR! Just fighting for the Dreamers. EPIC BATTLE, ETC.
- 17 years, 20 days ago
Val what should I do? twin is holding a sport meets on the same date as mine and I feel kind of outraged but not really cuz I am having a bad week. x.x Should I merge our meets together or just do seperate meets but on the same day?
I've got Yunaface now.
I've been fighting with Danny for her all day XD (and with Dolphin yesterday)
I'm not gonna let her go, she's the only other Dreamer I get along with on a constant basis. (and it stops Dolphin and Danny's plans of owning them all)