OMG, that is SOOOOOOO cool!!! Heard on the way home that we are expecting at least 30 cm on Saturday... good weekend to pass on a road trip. YUCK. Can't skate in that, either. :P
You have been fed vodka.
"My Tattoo Artist"Cheeky
- 17 years, 13 days ago
yup I did... just because you seem very sweet, came and visited my page/shop and because you have such a pretty smile. :D
How old is Kimberly? With Josie it seems to be what's going on... New people around? Loads of cuddles. Her favorite kids? Who needs a Mom? If she's feeling under the weather? Loads of cuddles. Something new to play with? Who needs a Mom... LOL. But yeah, night cuddles are the best.
"My Tattoo Artist"Cheeky
- 17 years, 14 days ago
Yes... are you coming up? It's supposed to be ugly on Saturday... How long does it take you? You'd have to come up Friday night.
"My Tattoo Artist"Cheeky
- 17 years, 14 days ago