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"the mage"
300 pts
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Unknown's tales
If you like my shop and the items you find in it - try my new application where you can find some of the more popular items and more not seen on human pets and send them to your friends without all that hassle of saving for and spending points! new items added regularly : ) http://apps.facebook.com/unusual-and-un-dhefc
Unknown "the mage" Cheeky
- 16 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
"and if a double decker bus crashes into us, to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die. And if a ten ton truck kills the both of us to die by your side - well the pleasure and the privelidge is mine... take me out tonight, oh take me take me.... ...anywhere i don't care, i don't care, i don't care.... Driving in your car, oh please don't drop me home, because it's not my home - it's their home and i'm welcome no more.... " - from The Smiths "There is a light that never goes out" from "The queen is dead" album... possibly my favourite song at the moment....
Unknown "the mage" Cheeky
- 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
Is coal dust Goth glitter?
Unknown "the mage" Cheeky
- 16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
Aching through the days new sorrows, oblivious to all reprieve, all common sense just seemed to leave then ...you. Aching for my next tomorrows, oblivious to all my sorrows, all common sense just seems to leave now... you. By me... lol probably not that great - - but its my page dammit and inspiration hit me lol :D
Unknown "the mage" Cheeky
- 16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
Spangly shop of Eccentricities and weirdness...
a shop where you can find some of the more unusual gifts upon human pets - Magical, surreal or portentious whether your visiting from a fantasy realm or would like to visit one please be advised to use these gifts with care and choose wisely as to who you wish to bestow them upon. because I will not be there when the consequences bite you in the ass... *insert maniacal laugh* if you find that the human pets items are not enough *shock horror* then you can find a lot of them and much much more on this application made by myself, without the need for pesky points saving. it also means you can send them to those simpletons without HP! http://apps.facebook.com/unusual-and-un-dhefc signed in dragons blood by - Mira Bella's Mage
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