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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Khy Lynn
Khy Lynn owns this human at 200000 points.


Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Baby Workshop, Baby Thumbprints
Herds: Christian Pets, Commited Followers of Jesus, Sparkling, RTF to YP, Jesus Freaks!, *Stels* Thumbs up
77777 pts
Unknown's tales
Chance Meeting With An Ex

The sudden downpour narrowed the world to the busstop.
Your familiar left-face beside the edge of my right eye
How are you after that? Are you happier?
I should be happy right? Yet no words will come.
The rain splattered on your right shoulder
A tear rolled down my left cheek.
You were once whom I love, whom I kiss and whom I hold...
Yet am now whom I want, whom I miss and whom I long....
This is all too cruel.... you were always like a stranger....
I was once whom you kiss, whom you love and whom you treasure....
Yet am now whom you hate, whom you avoid and whom you detest....
Why must I wait till love parts to know that I love you?
Why can't you wait till I want you before you leave me?
Unknown "Beza" Gloomy - 17 years, 22 days ago
Life As An Eagle
~Eagles Are Lonely Creatures. They fly at high attitudes much higher than other birds
can ever reach.There they fly alone. If an eagle encounters any other bird. It will only
be an eagle.

~Eagles Dun Flock Together. They neither stay as a group nor fly as one. They are
unlike other birds who form patterns in the sky. They do not need a leader to cut
through the wind currents. Eagles are strong enough to soar in the skies.

~Eagles Do Not Migrate. When the season turns cold, other birds fly away. Not for an
eagle. An eagle is there when it is snowing, when it is 100 degrees, when there is a hail.
No matter the circumstances, the eagle remains where it is.

~Eagles Wait For Storms. When storms come, other birds hide away but not an eagle.
An eagle uses the strong current to soar higher. They reach the highest of heights and
soar above the storms.

~Eagles Are Monogamy Creatures. All other creatures have different mates in their life.
Not an eagle. An eagle has only one mate for its life. Eagles are loyal and stay true to
their mate. That explains the beautiful courtship process of the eagles.

~Eagles Have Great Patience. Eagles will wait for hours outside a rabbit or snake hole to
get the rabbit or snake. The female eagle will guard her nest waiting for days for the
male eagle to return with food. They will neither leave their eggs nor will they fly away
even if they are hungry. A Mother Eagle flaps its wings for 10 weeks continuely to teach
its young how to fly.

~Eagles Have Great Courage. Eagles will fight to their death to protect their young.
They do not ran away from danger. They are not afraid even if their enemies are
stronger than them.

~An Eagle Renews Its Strength. Eagles build their nest high above the rocks. It goes
through moulting by sheding its feathers over 2 years. At the end of 2 years, it will
fly to a high place, pluck off all its feathers, knocked away their beak, they neither eat
nor do they move, they felt extremely cold in the night. Eagles stayed this way till new
feathers and a new peak then they will soar again.
Unknown Unknown
Unknown "Beza" Gloomy - 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago

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Khy Lynn
What happened?How come a "?" sign?
Khy Lynn "L's Sweets~♥" Tender - 16 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Khy Lynn

You have been given Leaving You Pressies.
Crafted by Carey
Khy Lynn "L's Sweets~♥" Tender - 16 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
Khy Lynn

You have been given Merry X'mas!.
Crafted by cath
Khy Lynn "L's Sweets~♥" Tender - 16 years, 2 months, 3 days ago

You have been given notebook computer.
Crafted by Arthur
-rachie- "My cute bunny=)" Content - 16 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
Khy Lynn requested...for this Thursday~
You have been given Snoopy 4 Huggies.
Crafted by Unknown
Khy Lynn "L's Sweets~♥" Tender - 16 years, 2 months, 19 days ago
Khy Lynn

You have been given good day salute!.
Crafted by Unknown
Khy Lynn "L's Sweets~♥" Tender - 16 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Bezalel Delights

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