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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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"*All MINE!*"

Unknown, 64/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:21 AM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Location: The Emerald City - South coast United Kingdom

About me:
All is not what it seems. Hey I might not smile all the time - but then if you do people think your a grinning idiot. Inside I am always happy and optimistic. Outside, I usually wear a good coat. I am very happily married to Sandra and have a lovely son and a daughter
About you:
Only meet people to chat with.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: ÇÖvëñ ÖF ÐâRKÑÊ$§, Careful...... We Bite, Corsets, Burlesques, and Pinups!, N B B, Bloodlines, Women in Uniforms, Boob Armada, Open Cage
25000 pts

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Unknown's tales
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Hi Friends

On September 21st this year I am off to Romania to undertake a charity Trek in the Carpathian Mountains, which should be fantastic. I am currently spending at least 1 hour a day in the gym or the pool trying to hone this old slab of lard into a lean, mean machine able to achieve this. I will be trekking for between 5 and 8 hours a day for 7 days.

I am trekking on behalf of Link Romania, a charity organisation that I support. Link Romania support several projects in Romania, Moldavia and Albania: 3 of the poorest countries in Europe. The trek that we are undertaking is to support 3 projects in and around the Romanian town of Iasi (pronounced Yarshi)

One project is the building of a childrens playground in one of the outlying villages. The children here have to work after school to help support their families, chopping wood, fetching and carrying water etc. The playground will give them a chance to be children for a little while each day

Another project is to provide some more fresh-water wells in Iasi in the shanty town. the people that scratch out an existence here, have no running water, electricity, gas all the things that we are lucky enough to take for granted. It will be great to be able to ensure that the children and families at least have clean water to drink.

The last, and my particular favourite is a place that Link Romania run, called 'The Farm of Hope'. The farm takes young adults: who have been turfed out of the orphanages with nothing (quite a few of them are severly traumatised), off of the streets and teaches them how to work the land, growing food to support themselves and/or to gain employment. Quite a few of these young people actually live beneath the streets of Iasi in the sewers, often this is the only shelter that they get. Link Romania hope to be able to build another house on the farm enabling them to help more people.

I think these projects are fantastic. I feel this with such a passion that I am prepared to take up this 'Carpathian Challenge'.

I have paid my own way on this 'Challenge', every penny that I raise goes towards the projects

I do so hope that you may be able to support me in this challenge and sponsor me for my own efforts to help the people of Iasi.

The website below is able to take donations online, so this goes directly to Link Romania. If you prefer you may want to send me a cheque (made payable to 'Link Romania'). Every penny is greatly appreciated

Unknown "*All MINE!*" Naughty - 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
I can't seem to face up to the facts
I'm tense and nervous and I
Can't relax
I can't sleep 'cause my bed's on fire
Don't touch me I'm a real live wire.

robbed from the Talking Heads
Unknown "*All MINE!*" Naughty - 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
A poem that I wrote years ago about a mate, who was it must be said a bit 'mollycoddled' to say the least

Ode to a worm.....(David Lewington) endless tape,
You whinge and you whine
"Oh, I don't like this
And I don't like that,
And I only like this pillow"
God! You make me puke,
You spoilt little BRAT

"One day." They say,
"The worm will turn,"
But "Mum do this,
Nan wipe my arse,"
And "Sarah, where's me grub?"
I can't see it in you
You spoilt little BRAT

Nothing but dead-wood,
If you lifted a finger
To help yourself,
It'd be a fucking miracle.
So liven yourself up,
Before it's too late.
Or.......go and get married,
Like a 2.4 PRATT

Unknown "*All MINE!*" Naughty - 17 years, 19 days ago
<--------------------------------------Is totally bored......2 a.m. OMG
Unknown "*All MINE!*" Naughty - 17 years, 27 days ago
<--------------------Having a nice cup of tea. Tea a wonderful drink, after all that's one of the main reasons Britain used to own half the world. Tea plantations in the east, China factories in the east, Sugar plantations in the Caribbean, Huge dairy herds in the American coloney hehe.....All for a cuppa. lovin it
Unknown "*All MINE!*" Naughty - 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
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Alexander Graesser
random comment #388) *grilled* You have been grilled
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
Meagan Kerr
Hehe thanks hun, would love to escape for a bit!
Meagan Kerr "kiwi" Tired - 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
Meagan Kerr

You have been given thumbs.
Crafted by Meagan Kerr
Meagan Kerr "kiwi" Tired - 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
Meagan Kerr

You have been given Pink Fish.
Crafted by Unknown
Meagan Kerr "kiwi" Tired - 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
Adeline MoonLight
wow a fox thanks i got ur tails 2 xxx im fine hun hope ur well kissesx
You have been given Wonderful Day Wishes ....
Crafted by Lily
Adeline MoonLight "G's Delight" Surprised - 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
guy with sensative side is always good thing xx
You have been given HI!.
Crafted by Unknown
annette "PhoeNix" Playful - 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Needful Things

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