- 17 years, 10 days ago
Hi Gary..did you get the snow that we did yesterday. I know what a couple years ago was like up there. You couldn't see the house for the snowdrifts LOL. Hope you have a great day.
- 17 years, 11 days ago
Good Morning Gary. I am your new owner. I wonder how many people out there know where Renfrew is?? I do as we just moved from Barry's Bay in May of last year back to Windsor. We lived on 34 acres up off Hwy 60 on Opeongo Rd. out of the town. Have been to Renfrew tons of times. What a small world we live in. Hope the weather this year is good. Last year I know it was quite mild and really didn't get a lot of snow till the first of the year. We are forcasted for snow today here and it has been cold. Dropping off something to start your day. Hope you have a great one!
You have been given a coffee break.
- 17 years, 12 days ago