Thank you to all the people I have met here, and to the great (and even not-so-great) friends I have made. I wish the best of luck, love, and life to you all. Goodbye, Human Pets! No Prince Charming"Muffin"Goodbye for good, HP!!!
- 13 years, 8 months, 7 days ago
Approx 3-4 days til profile shutdown. I have points to give away (about 183,000), as they will be useless to me. So for one final HP game, I will give them to the person that gives me the best reason for giving them points. In other words, tell (or show) me why you need or deserve the points, and if your answer is best, the points are yours. No Prince Charming"Muffin"Goodbye for good, HP!!!
- 13 years, 8 months, 14 days ago
I'll give it about a week til shutdown, in order to reconnect with everyone. Feel free to rip off any of my shop items if you wish. Profile goes down for good next weekend (July 23rd) No Prince Charming"Muffin"Goodbye for good, HP!!!
- 13 years, 8 months, 19 days ago
As of now, I am fully removing myself from HP. I am glad for those I have met, but giving this site proper attention is taking up way too much time, that could be better used. If you wish to persue me (and please feel free to), look up Christopher Abbs on facebook. Love y'all! No Prince Charming"Muffin"Goodbye for good, HP!!!
- 13 years, 8 months, 19 days ago
No Prince Charming"Muffin"Goodbye for good, HP!!!
- 13 years, 10 months, 1 day ago