One month ago,on February 8 at 10:30 pm my nephew Ashton was walking from his house to the YMCA dance. A driver in a Hummer did not see Ashton and hit him. Unfortunately, my nephew did not survive the accident and pass away from blunt force trauma. The driver was not impaired in any way, he was tested for alcohol and other substances, but nothing was found.
This might not have happened if the city I live had put sidewalks in several years ago when they were supposed to. The YMCA is a couple of blocks from the High School and Middle School where I live. Why wouldn't you put sidewalks in knowing this is going to be a well populated area with children? My neighborhood is a subdivision around the corner from where this happened and we also have no sidewalks. It terrifies me to watch my 7 yr old walk to and from the bus stop. With my son there are also 5-6 other children and they all have to walk in the road to the bus stop and on the way home.
You might ask why Ashton was walking, he lives 2 houses from the YMCA, not even a half a block. He had to walk on the side of the road, and his friend was walking small shoulder of the road. I do not blame the driver, as it could happen to anyone. It was purely an accident.
So, our quest has come to raise $30,000 to put sidewalks in along this road. The city does not plan to pay for sidewalks for another 9-10 years. But if we raise the money they will put them in, yes I know its a sad story a city that does not try to protect its youth.
Unknown "Gift to JOEL!" Neglected
- 17 years, 4 days ago