Hey everyone...Only have a mi...But anyone out there have a whore for a mother???I do... She thought it would be real cool of her to steal from my children...I had 2 twenties from 1960 and 2 tens, 2 fives, and 2 one dollar bills...She was so hard up for money that she took the two twenties, a ten, and a five... And She figured I wouldn't find out about it...Well I did that night and I fucking hate her...I honestly hope I never see her again...I called the cops and told them that she is driving my car without a licence and that I was taking the insurance and registration off the car...so then she starts calling my boyfriend and telling him all this shit and he is like Evon you are never going to see your grandchildren again....And she has the nerve to say YA WHATEVER!! like she is so fucking low and pathetic...She probably took the money for drugs or smokes or maybe even booze...But how low do you have to be to steal from your own grandchildren...Anyways baby is awake...I will get my man to watch the baby for a bit tonight so I can thumb all you guys...Real sorry about that
Unknown "♥My Dirty Gurl" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
I want to say thank you to everyone that has been by myside this year...Even through all the shit they have either come back or stayed through it...Either way you know who you are and I just want you to know that I appreciate your friendship...Anything you need I am always here
Unknown "♥My Dirty Gurl" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
The thing I want most everyday of life....I want my children to grow up to be successful in whatever they choose to do with their lives...I want them to respect people so that people will respect them....I want them to learn from a one time mistake and not have to hit rock bottom to learn the lesson...I want them to know that I will love them no matter what choices they make in their life...They are the reason I breathe everyday
Unknown "♥My Dirty Gurl" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
Hey everybody...I just want to wish you all a great christmas and hopefully you get all that you wanted and more...All hte best of luck for the upcoming year...
Unknown "♥My Dirty Gurl" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
It is the 17 of December and on the 14th I bought my hubby a puppy...We named him Tody...Now today I have a 60' TV getting delivered...Today was the day that my man decided to stay home from work...So now I have to come up with some idea to get away from the house for atleast an hour so they can set it all up...What a penis wrinkle eh? lol Oh it'll be all good
Unknown "♥My Dirty Gurl" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 2 months, 21 days ago