On this old dust an ocean danced,
Sea mud consumed our long romance.
Our lives lost to a land primeval,
Deaths disjoined by Earth’s upheaval.
Though loam and clay replaced our bones
And our hearts space filled with stones
We lie at last entwined alone
Lost in a strata, sphere’s dark might,
like two schist’s passing in the night.
I’ve missed you for a million years,
a billion times, a trillion tears.
Cast astray in time’s mortared space,
while we await some distant race.
You shifted up between slate seams,
I felt your kiss within my dreams.
But now so close, we almost touch,
I want to be with you so much,
I sifted down through drifted sand,
to touch upon your upturned hand.
A rain of years, raging weather,
Brought us both at last together,
Now side by side a rock romance,
Tossed by time and embraced by chance.
The mountains rose, the oceans fell,
I never wavered from your spell.
Eons passed before eyes had seen us,
and pried your form from layers between us
They cracked and carved away your case,
to gaze upon your quarried face.
Stripping binds of sandstone boulders,
exposed to light enwoven shoulders.
Hammers, picks, chisels chipped us free,
assembled ever so carefully
I’m part of you and you of me,
always together, till eternity.
I’m sedimental over you.
Emma Marshall "Dr D is my God" Curious
- 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago