We had another thunderstorm today. Always nice. Then it started raining really hard and my road looked like a river.
Other than that, nothing to intresting happened. Just did some laundry. Almost killed the washer because I try to get my laundry done as fast as possible. So I put in as much as possible. It didnt spin out. So it ended up taking longer than it would have had I been patient. But im not patient. So after that.. Or before that. I cleaned my room, studied the pre-GED. Im really taking forever to get that thing. I dont know why. I know it all. (Not to sound like a know it all.. I should say that I understand it all..All being the contents of the GED book. Minus the math section. I suck at math..)
But I keep putting it off for some reason. But now im going to get it within a month or two. Along with getting a new job. Until next year. When I wander off to the Army. So then I can wander off to various places and not be stuck in Rhode Island for the rest of my life.
But that could change. I dont know. Or most likely not. I said I was going to do it and now I have to do it.
Bleh. Yea. Now im off. To lay down. Im dead tried. Maybe I'll stay up two more hours so I can get my sleep back on track.
Unknown "Erin NFS" Sleepy
- 16 years, 8 months, 28 days ago