这个年代 找个好女人难哪。 不明白? 出得厅堂的又进不了厨房 进得了厨房的又不温柔 温柔的又没主见 有主见的又没女人味 有女人味的又乱花钱 不乱花钱的又老老土土 不老老土土的又有些不放心 放心的那些呢。。。 不想要
Unknown "@LLie's" Confused
- 16 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
Before going to america on business, a man drives his rolls royce into the center of london and parks it outside a bank. He asks for an immediate loan of £10,000. The bank manager asks for collateral and the customer hands over the keys to his rolls royce. the bank manager arranges for the car to be parked in the bank's underground car park, then hand over £10,000 in cash. Two weeks later the car owner returns to the bank and asks to settle his loan. "that'll be £10,000 plus £50 interest," the bank manager tells him. The man immediately writes out a cheque and gives it to the bank manager. As the bank manager is handing over the keys he says, "while you were away i discovered that you are a millionaire. Why did you need to borrow the £10,000?" "where else could i park my rolls royce in the center of london for £50?" replies the man.
Unknown "@LLie's" Confused
- 16 years, 7 months, 14 days ago
A waiter brings his customer the steak he ordered, with his thumb over the meat. 'Do you expect me to eat that?' yelled the customer. 'You have had your hand on it!' 'What?' answered the waiter, 'you want it to fall on the floor again?'
Unknown "@LLie's" Confused
- 16 years, 7 months, 14 days ago
You ignore me when i made you upset, you ignore me when someone else made you upset, you ignore me when you have something to do and when you finally have some free time you go watch movie... so when do you have time for me?
Unknown "@LLie's" Confused
- 16 years, 7 months, 18 days ago
I once belived that i can do anything for the one i love but now i know this will never be possible again...
Unknown "@LLie's" Confused
- 16 years, 7 months, 23 days ago