Well, I got turned down by Lowes. I'd like to say that they called and explained it all to me, or sent a nice letter letting me know why. No, I got a form postcard. Not even a form letter, a postcard. What is corporate america coming to these days?
Unknown "=]" Adventurous
- 16 years, 9 months, 14 days ago
I applied to Lowes and guess what, I have an interview. But that is the end of the good news. They must have one of the weirdest interview prosseses ever. When they called, I was told that even though I filled out an application for a specific job, they won't interview me for that job. They give you a general interview and then tell you where you would fit best. If that is the case, why fill out a job specific app in the first place. I also filled out an application for Interior Furniture Resources and had an impromtu interview. I was told that I would get a call if they saw what they like, or something along those lines.
Unknown "=]" Adventurous
- 16 years, 9 months, 22 days ago
Had an interview last Saturday and couldn't get the job because I am leaving in August. I have two interviews tomorrow and I hope those will go better. Wish me luck.
Unknown "=]" Adventurous
- 16 years, 11 months, 7 days ago
I just want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter.
Unknown "=]" Adventurous
- 16 years, 11 months, 21 days ago
Again I want to thank everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday on Sunday. It really cheers me up to know that there are so many people out there that I don't get to see all the time, but still care about me none the less. Thanks.
Unknown "=]" Adventurous
- 17 years, 5 days ago