1. up urs fatty!
get tae fuck
2. Where was the last place you went out to eat?
The Croft with ma wee lady
3. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed?
Mint Choc Bailey's - yum
4. Which do you prefer - eyes or lips?
Lips - mmm
5. Medicine, fine arts, or law?
Fine Art - creativity is the key
6. Best kind of pizza?
I lika the dominos
7. Is your bedroom window open?
yes, so the escorts can come in
8. What is in store for your future?
pain, anguish and tea
9. Who was the last band you saw live?
Arcade Fire
10. Do you take care of your friends while they are sick?
Doubt they'd let me - look after the siblings though - bless
11. What is your favorite soda?
Dr Pepper at the mo
12. How many songs are on your iTunes?
a trillion
13. When was the last time you purchased something over $500?
contributed about that much to a funeral :(
14. Where is the last place you drove to?
To pick up the lazy sister
15. Are you experienced?
oh aye ;)
16. Any historical figures that you envy?
Marilyn Monroe had a enviable figure
17. What brand of digital camera do you own?
a shite one
18. When was the last time you got a good workout?
earlier walking the pooch
19. If you need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?
Topshop jeans seem to cater to my shape
20. Where did your last kiss take place?
my bed - the dog gave me a frenchie
21. What were you doing at 11:59 PM on Monday night?
working nightshift
22. Are you a quitter?
23. Who was the last person you had in your house?
my pa
24. Can you speak another language?
i can speak a little french - i know all the swear words thanks to Marc :)
25. How about put your legs behind your head?
Ayep - yoga
26. When was the last time you went dancing while under the influence?
a few minutes ago - and whit?
27. Nickname?
Rumpelstiltskin, The Weasel, BarbourC, Cow, Morph, Fanny Adams, Babs
28. Describe what you are wearing in detail?
a dressing gown
29. What do you think about people who party a lot?
not much - pish question
30. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
i like making others uncomfortable with talk of sex
31. Are you one of those people who obsesses over Hollister?
32. What was the last CD you purchased?
Romeo and Juliet soundtrack
33. What are two bands or singers that you will alwys love?
Led Zeppellin and Margarita Pragitan
34. What of the seven deadly sins are you guilty of?
35. Did you just have to google the seven deadly sins to see what they were?
no i practice all 7
36. Where is your favorite place to get coffee?
Amna's starbucks
37. Have you ever been offered a job?
38. Have you ever stolen anything off of a road?
a dead pigeon
39. When was the last time you dyed your hair?
2 weeks ago
40. Who was the last person you rode in a car with?
The Stace
41. Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 weeks?
42. Miss someone?
oh yep
43. How is your last ex doing?
probably raping a tourist
44. Is there someone you want to fight?
aye - angela lansbury - she's a twat
Unknown "Pixxxie" Timid
- 17 years, 5 days ago