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"Tangi's Friend"

Unknown, 64/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:4:36 AM
Join date:16 years, 10 months, 26 days ago
Location: Pukatja / Ernabella Community Australia

"I am the river and the river is me ..."
About me:
I am a 47yr old Maori woman from the Whanganui River which is on the west coast of the north island of Aotearoa (New Zealand). I have been living in Australia for 6 1/2 yrs now. I have been living and working with indigenious Australians in the NT (Northern Territory)for 3yrs. I am currently living and working in a small Aboriginal community called Pukatja, Ernabella being the English name given to this community which is about 4 1/2 hrs drive depending on conditions of the roads, from Alice Springs just over the S.A (South Australian) border. My home base is still Alice Springs. I now work with failure to thrive children aged from 0-4yrs, disabilites which are mainly ABI 1'PS & ABI 2'PS (Accquired Brain Injuries due to Petrol Sniffing), and a few of the aged care or elders that reside here. It's stunning country steeped in tradition, happiness, sadness, love and sorrow. Their Jukurrpa (Dreamings) are the lands and surroundings they live on and within. I am deeply honoured and privileged to be a part of all this and I thankyou the Traditional Owners for allowing me to be here amongst you for the last 15 months. This truly has been a journey that has not finsihed for me yet and I know the next 2 years here will be even more than what I have experienced so far. My tamariki and mokopuna are still living back home in beautiful Aotearoa and I miss them heaps but I know where they are and home is only a hop, skip and a jump over the ditch. Ka nui taku aroha ki a ratou ma ... I have a great life ...
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Mental Retreat

5513 pts

100 pts

100 pts

80 pts

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70 pts

60 pts

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50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

Tangi Tunoa

And watchin...

You have been given a Condescending Look.
Crafted by Linda
Tangi Tunoa "Monkey Man" C'est la vie - 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
Tangi Tunoa
Just wanted to say hello. Make sure you remembered I'm around.

You have been given Leavin my mark on ur page ...x.
Crafted by Terah Abel
Tangi Tunoa "Monkey Man" C'est la vie - 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
Tangi Tunoa

You have been given Spidey Senses Tingling .
Crafted by
Tangi Tunoa "Monkey Man" C'est la vie - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
Tangi Tunoa

You have been given A Taste.
Crafted by
Tangi Tunoa "Monkey Man" C'est la vie - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
Tangi Tunoa

You have been given a hobby.
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Tangi Tunoa "Monkey Man" C'est la vie - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
Tangi Tunoa

Hello Teremoana dear,

I actually wrote this for someone else, but it pertains to you as well. I think you’ll like this game. I want to see you have some fun here. Sooooo….

Looks like you've got a little work to do. You probably don't have the points to truely enjoy this game. Buying presents for the people you meet along the way is one of the appeals of this game.

Start with setting up a herd. You can come into mine and see how it's done.


Add my herd to your list. There is a button for this purpose next to the picture of the small water fall. Thumb back as far as you have tolerance for. That means clicking on all the thumbs next to my pictures and the others that you see. Go back at least 5 pages. It will give you the idea of the more arduous aspects of this game.

If you want to succeed at this game, you will spend an awful lot of time thumbing other people’s tales and herds, and working on your own herd. The more people you get to return the favor, the better you will do, and the more people you will meet.

Develop a personality for your interaction with the people you meet. Some can be quite amusing. Leave messages on the profiles of the people that interest you. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

And give gifts. The shopping aspect, picking out the proper gift for the message you are trying to relay, is one of the more amusing aspects of this game. Certainly that will give you incentive to do the more mundane tasks this game requires. Later you will want to develop your own store.

I have now made my own store. It was relatively easy. It won’t be hard for you. Very few people you will meet here are computer whizzes. If they can do it, so can you. With the right items, your store will be a good source of additional income (points).

Let me know when you’ve made a herd of your own and I’ll come back to thumb you. I’ll also point you in the direction of people that will return the favor should you choose to thumb them as well. Feel free to ask anyone you meet along the way for advice. Most people I’ve met here have been quite helpful. Many have become HP addicts. It is an amusing game once you get past the initial “Shit, this is a lot of work” attitude.

Now get to work! I think you’ll have a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.


PS. Quit buying people for now. Looking at your pets, you have none that are actually active. You don’t need them to enjoy this game. You need to develop friendships with people that will help you gain points. The ones I have, I have only because they are friends otherwise. They are not active. I keep them only for sentimental value.

One last thing. Although my profile may not indicate it, I can “fondle” (instead of “pet”) people because I am a member. I pay money for the privilege.

I originally bought in because of the gifts I was receiving from some “friends”. I quickly discovered that it wasn’t as amusing as I thought it would be. Certainly, if I were so inclined, I could find better porn out there for sale. Quite frankly I’d prefer to get a woman wet by the use of my words and innuendo rather than by giving her something that leaves nothing to the imagination.

I was thinking of letting my subscription lapse, but when I went to look at the actual benefits, I decided to keep it. In addition to being able to change the actions I do to others, I can also have custom backgrounds, can have custom thumbs and (the one that actually clinched it for me) I can set up a full store without having to send invites to all of my friends. This privilege is costing me $15 every 3 months.

If you feel stupid enough (I am) to fork out $60 a year for this privilege, you can find everything you need to do so by clicking on the Market tab and going down to Membership.

Actually I blow through an awful lot of points buying gifts for people. I have to do a lot of thumbing, which is not a major source of entertainment. So I think it will save me from carpal tunnel by going this route. Difficulty is not in the technical aspect of it, it’s figuring out what is marketable.

You have been given a chatterbox.
Crafted by
Tangi Tunoa "Monkey Man" C'est la vie - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
Memecoins for People
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