The human mind is a a miracle. Once it accepts a new idea or learns a new fact, it streches forever and never goes back to its original dimension. It is limitless. No one has ever guessed its potential. Still, so many of us spend a lifetime making boudaries and defining limits. Young children in their innocence have not yet learned their limitations and so joyfully and instinctively stretch to learn, and so should we all Unknown"*FIONA*"Daring
- 17 years, 11 days ago
How many possibilities of happiness have we missed because we waited for a more convenient moment? How many people have we failed to celebrate because we thought we'd have them forever? Unknown"*FIONA*"Daring
- 17 years, 11 days ago
as soon as the love relationship does not lead to me, as soon as I, in a love relationship do not lead the other person to himself, this love, even if it seems to be the most secure and ecstatic attachment I have ever experienced, is not true love. Unknown"*FIONA*"Daring
- 17 years, 16 days ago
Real love creates, it never destroys.In this, lies man's only promise. Unknown"*FIONA*"Daring
- 17 years, 16 days ago