by grace Dearest one, My name is grace, I am very happy to view your profile here today,as I'm interested in knowing you.reply me through my private email address at ( ) so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
so share with me some pointers. I know we can get points from selling items in our store and from viewing other folks pages and from selling our pets or autioning them...and from inviting our friends, I missing anything? I am not sure what else to do with all these pets...dont really want to sell my friends and dont want to keep giving them away either! and There is a limit of 50 pets and it wont let you increase your value if you have more than share with me what you have figured you dont like any of the car racing games/apps huh? Have a good week!!! fg
You have been played ball with.
"Well of Memory"Playful
- 17 years, 19 days ago