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Unknown's tales
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So its been long overdue writing these tales - the good news is I got accepted into the Ph.D program at UWS!!!!! :-D
Unknown "♥Satyrical♥" Purring - 16 years, 3 months, 11 days ago
Kess of Bacchia (Part 4)

Drums sound. Horns blow.
The soft growl of every Satyr turns
Into a howl. Forced high in to their throats.
Their hands releasing all that they hold
As they pull at the hair upon their chests.

You hide behind a towering oak,
Though it wretched with age,
As the silhouette of a man, a True Man,
Steps out. A chalice in one hand,
His free hand, high into the night air.

His fingers click, and a purple light
Rises from the ground, coalescing
With the golden light from Her,
And the blue light from the moon,
Permeating through the canopy.

He stands naked, a more beautiful man
Envious eyes have yet to lay upon.
Even the floating faeries are in awe
Of His perfect form, well endowed
Of every muscle of His body.

His eyes meet Hers, and they linger.
He caresses the air before him
As he traces Her curves from afar;
As the woods’ themselves sigh,
And She quivers, though untouched.
Unknown "♥Satyrical♥" Purring - 16 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
Kess of Bacchia (Part 3)

The Satyrs gather behind her,
And play their music, and dance.
Gesturing and beckoning her to join.
Some tug at her arms, and abscond
As she shakes them away.

Unashamed and erect, they dance.
Pouring wine about her feet.
Lapping it from her footprints
As she keeps her pace, steady and fluid.
No notice of their offerings.

With fury they sing, and chant Her name,
And drink, and masturbate, those
Who can no longer contain their frenzy.
You watch as She smiles, mischievous,
At the debauched serenade.

She loosens the silver veil, tightly wound
About her body, and lets it drop to her feet.
There… in full glory, She is. Her own radiance
Lights the surrounding trees, as all nature
Lets out a collective sigh, and every Satyr

Groans in pleasure, and all and one soon
Become silent. Their breathing heavier;
Steadier; almost in unison. Even yours,
Rhythmic and deep, in the throes of satiety;
A symphony echoing…
Unknown "♥Satyrical♥" Purring - 16 years, 9 months, 2 days ago
Kess of Bacchia (Part 2)

You are but a flower in the forest.
You watch her emerge on the bank.
Sprites who spring from both woods and lake
Embrace her with a veil of silver
That clings to her still-moist body.

Enrapt as any eye, embracing every curve
And sacred grove. Every subtle arc of flesh
And flex of muscle, bestowed a silver lining,
Every shiver shimmering like the ripple on a pond.
Ever step a grace for eyes’ delight.

She dances around each and every tree,
And beneath each bough.
Her skin still drips with water
That splashes to the ground.
The earth seems to tremble

Wherever she treads. Shy from the touch
Of a beautiful woman, like a young boy.
Even the delicate lilacs, burgeon
As she nears. And wilt as she walks passed
Without a glance.

Fairies flitter about her brow,
Weaving, adorning her with laurels;
Her beauty, nature’s prize amongst all;
She casts them aside with simple gesture,
But smiles as she does.
Unknown "♥Satyrical♥" Purring - 16 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
Kess of Bacchia (Part 1)

Roam the Woods of the Satyrs’ Endless Night
To catch a glimpse of Her. To see Her
Caress the waters’ of the lake.
An act mere mortals call swimming,
The routine of bathing by the moons’ light.

But She, wading the shallows,
Every wave about her supple flesh
Refusing to depart and ripple onward.
She does not bathe, for she is carried
By the water. Ever droplet yearning;

If only to caress Her once, from head to toe,
They would carry Her about across the lake.
Beneath the moon, that always seems to shine
Upon Her. Glistening off her curves as she glitters
On the lake like the stars above.

Even the trees sway toward Her,
And whisper with the winds, Her name.
Flowers like a lusting adolescent
Cannot but bloom too soon for Her
And burst in premature petals; their love.

And she, unaware or unconcerned
By it all. Perhaps used to it by now
That so many watch Her, adoring.
Or with fantasies of what can never be
Swelling their tongues and their loins.

Possessed of all the fullness of charm,
Mere seduction in her passing by;
A pleasure to all the senses.
She cannot but be desired by all in nature;
It is the justice of Her beauty.

Unknown "♥Satyrical♥" Purring - 16 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
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You have been given Cuddles & Kisses.
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Unknown "Sapphire" Timid - 16 years, 1 month, 29 days ago

You have been given naked thoughts.
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Unknown "Sapphire" Timid - 16 years, 2 months, 8 days ago

You have been given A Poetry Appreciation Donation.
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Jessimistic "jess" Chill - 16 years, 3 months, 11 days ago

You have been given militant jam.
Crafted by Unknown
Jessimistic "jess" Chill - 16 years, 3 months, 11 days ago

You have been given true heart.
Crafted by sheshe
Unknown "Sapphire" Timid - 16 years, 3 months, 21 days ago
Just Bec

You have been given ~cuddle time~.
Crafted by _sam_
Just Bec - 16 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
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A Poetry Appreciation Donation
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150 pts
A Poetry Appreciation Donation
Bought by 5 people
A Beautiful Day
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A Beautiful Day
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A Day In Paradise
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A Day In Paradise
Bought by 7 people
Come Back Any Time, Big-Spender!
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110 pts
Come Back Any Time, Big-Spender!
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Are You Sure I Can't Tempt You?
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200 pts
Are You Sure I Can't Tempt You?
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A Teddy To Hug While I'm Away
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200 pts
A Teddy To Hug While I'm Away
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Waiting For You
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Waiting For You
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A Heineken (Or Two)
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A Heineken (Or Two)
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An Evening of Delights
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An Evening of Delights
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Anything You Want - Anything!
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Anything You Want - Anything!
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Come Fly With Me
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Come Fly With Me
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A Poetry Reading by Robert Frost
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A Poetry Reading by Robert Frost
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The Mexican Wave
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The Mexican Wave
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Intense Sexual Appeal
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