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Terry | - Free online hangout and friends
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"Fiesty Terry"

Terry , 59/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:16 PM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 23 days ago
Location: Alton United Kingdom

About me:
I'm a very happy, playful and occasionally mischievous pet who loves nothing more than a romp on the beach or out in the countryside...... if you're passing through, give me a thumb and I'll be happy to RTF :-)
About you:
You should be a fun and very playful pet who enjoys the occasional spot of mischief ;-)I am also a caring & considerate owner myself and love to spoil my pets with love, treats and trips...waifs and strays welcome, but NO DOGS !!!! (lol)
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: The BRITISH herd, The True Equestrians, Sexy Pets, Amy's Naughty Girls and Boys, We love Elizabeth's Cap, TLC's Den of Sinful Pleasures, KILLER BEEZ, THE EXPRESS GAMES HERD, Domina's Playroom 4 Pets, ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™ 2
Terry's tales
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Terry "Fiesty Terry" Frisky - 16 years, 5 months, 8 days ago
Ok, I'm out of here for a week........swapping the English rain for the Spanish sun! Don't miss me too much people, I'll be back before you know it....and just a little browner!! :-)
Terry "Fiesty Terry" Frisky - 16 years, 6 months, 3 days ago
I am on holiday, in Majorca, from 6th - 13th September and will be too busy with sun, sea, sand & sangria to be logging onto HP!!

I look forward to coming home to lots of thumbs and if anybody would like a postcard I'm auctioning one right now, so get bidding!!
Terry "Fiesty Terry" Frisky - 16 years, 6 months, 4 days ago

There is a rumor that Capricorns are the best lovers of the zodiac when they feel stable and secure and can see the long term purpose of the union they are in. The focused determination of Saturn as a guiding light brings the same unequaled force into the bedroom and into the relationship as they apply to building their life and their security. Capricorn is slow to trust and even slower to love but once their heart is given there is very little they won't do to back up and support and love their mate. The symbolism of Capricorn is the Sea goat...a useful metaphor is the ability to penetrate both environments on earth....water and land. Spiritually...they can conquer both the spirit and the body. Love is nothing less than a goal and they are capable of approaching it with the same dedication as they approach any other important endeavor in their life. They are loyal, nurturing caregivers and supporters at their best. Cold, calculating and emotionally repressed at their worst. The realm of feelings is the hardest plane for Capricorns to come to terms with as it is based on an energy that they cannot control . Once they accept and embrace their emotional beings they are human dynamos who add strength, conviction and longevity to love.

Capricorn Sexuality: When they are secure within themselves and within a partnership they can take their lover to the peaks of sexual mountain tops. They know how to apply patience and dedication to discovering how to please and their leisurely approach to getting to know a mates intimate secrets promises that they possess an almost push button control of their partners sexual desires. It is not the pure and raw driving sexuality of Scorpio...nor the romantic and enchanting passion of is a combination of the human physical need for sex and the spirits need to experience the height of a pleasure and to merge it into one. A soul moving encounter that brings the primal...into the spiritual.

Terry "Fiesty Terry" Frisky - 16 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
People with blue eyes are very lovable. They are really hot and are awesome to be around. They enjoy 'pet names'. They don't care what people think or say. They are lovers AND fighters. But if you mess around, they'll knock you out.They are real partiers.You are a very good kisser and love to be close with your lover...They are very satisfying and they love to please. They can exceed your pleasure standards. They are very laid back, chilled and love to just be around

Terry "Fiesty Terry" Frisky - 16 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
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hi terry thumbed your tales , have fun :p
Sunshine and Happiness You have been given Sunshine and Happiness.
Crafted by Terri
Sharon "Groovy chick" Here there and everywhere - 14 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
Have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year. Wishing you the very best for 2010 :)

The Magical Gift of Chocolate You have been given The Magical Gift of Chocolate.
Crafted by Madame Otter
AlleyKat "My curious Kat" Curious - 15 years, 2 months, 26 days ago

Happy Holidays!~ You have been given Happy Holidays!~.
Crafted by Rachel M
AlleyKat "My curious Kat" Curious - 15 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
Enjoy your weekend Terry! x
A Trip to the Pub You have been given A Trip to the Pub.
Crafted by Terry
AlleyKat "My curious Kat" Curious - 15 years, 5 months, 14 days ago
Tiger "Tiger Queen" Ecstatic - 15 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
Thanks for the 'pet' popped over and thumbed ur tales while havin a nose!!! xx
Kisses You have been given Kisses.
Crafted by Sally
Sally "My Angel" Purring - 15 years, 5 months, 25 days ago
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Terry's shop
Terry's Independent Trading Supplies

Quality goods for the special man or woman in your life

Stock will be constantly updated to reflect customer demands...we aim to please!!

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A Trip to the Pub
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200 pts
A Trip to the Pub
Bought by 18 people
A Dirty Phone Call
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145 pts
A Dirty Phone Call
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A Rock Hard Cock
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175 pts
A Rock Hard Cock
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An Adult Game
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125 pts
An Adult Game
Bought by 30 people
A Man With A Big Cock
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200 pts
A Man With A Big Cock
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A Dog Collar
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125 pts
A Dog Collar
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A Personal Firefighter
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A Personal Firefighter
Bought by 87 people
A Detention
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125 pts
A Detention
Bought by 26 people
A Jacuzzi Session for 2
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A Jacuzzi Session for 2
Bought by 20 people
A Big Thumbing!
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A Big Thumbing!
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An Audi R8
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250 pts
An Audi R8
Bought by 11 people
A Good Beating by Chelsea
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A Good Beating by Chelsea
Bought by 38 people
An Exclusive Club Membership
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125 pts
An Exclusive Club Membership
Bought by 9 people
A Very Kind Donation
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250 pts
A Very Kind Donation
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A Selection of Bedtime Friends
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A Selection of Bedtime Friends
Bought by 13 people
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