My tale starts with a girl like most of you. I like her very much but so did my brother and thats the probleme. We went to her for a weekend and i made her promise that she wasnt gona kiss him. She said she wont kiss him. Well we got to the end of the weekend and we wernt very hapy because we new we wernt gona see her again in the next year. The week folowing i found out that they kiss. I was shattered. she promised me that she wont. Wel she did 4 times. I wasnt mad about it. I war more mad about the fact that i had to find out through sumone else. well i thought that we are good friends nd we were for a while til i found out that she didnt wamt to spend ar much time with me but more with my bro so i asked her and once again she said Im Sory. wel i said its ok but it wasnt realy. then we were fine for a whole long time but we were just doin ok til new problemes came. The problems didnt rtop about my bro but new problemes came like her friend that back stabeb her but thatz life ryt then we kinda fought
Unknown "For Sale"
- 17 years, 25 days ago