Well Im sittin here laughin my ass off over something I just read and I thought I might share with ya'll!! It's from the book "Uncle John" Absolutely Absorbing Bathroom Reader" (12th edition)
Sub: Weird Doll Stories
In 1993 a group calling itself the Barbie Liberation Organizations (BLO) claimed it switched the voice boxes on as many as 300 G.I. Joe and Barbie dolls in France, England, and the U.S. at the peak of the Christmas shopping season, to protest"gender-based stereo typing in children's toys." So when kids opened their G.I. Joes,they said things like, "I love school. Don't you?" and "Lets sing with the band tonight!" in a female voice; Barbie said "dead men tell no lies," in a deep, booming voice.
OMG I DIED laughing when I read that! SO I thought I should share with everyone! =))
Unknown "Bec" Tired
- 17 years, 2 months, 2 days ago