hey sweet little michele..~~ it's so happy to hear from u again..like what i said that i'll reply you, and here's the perfect time..coz i just got back from church, had my dinner and just relax a little bit while replying ur message..keke, makes me smile each time i read ur reply..u're being too sweet..awww...keke..~~~ and yea, thanks for leaving some footsteps on my HumanPets profile..that's so nice..i'll remember ur footsteps forever..keke..~they will always be in my heart..=p
it's just 2 more weeks and my final exams will begin..~ hate exams..but i have got no choice..sigh..the pressure is coming, i can feel it..and also the fear begins to creep into me day by day..hurr..~~ help me michele..T-T i'm dying to wait for the days when my exams are over..i've already got some plans in mind after my exams..where i'll actually stay with my brother in Kuala Lumpur which is in another state where he is staying for a week together with my roommate and one of my church friends..we'll have fun there together..~~ coz i'll have 3 weeks break altogether after my final exams before beginning my new semester..well, i hope u'll start ur classes well too beginning next year rite??..keke, all the best..and get to know new friends so that u guys can actually help one another out in time of difficulties..~
Wow, Ryu is coming so soon, time passes really fast..it's already almost towards the end of September..in a month more u'll be seeing ur boyfriend face to face..can u imagine that??..lolz, and i'm sure both of u will do a lot of things together..how long will he stay with u this time??..for 2 weeks??..actually, how much will it cost for him to go over..the entire trip?..did u ask him??..coz i would like to know if it's costly or not..~ you can see his love for you, that he is willing to save up that much of money just to spend it on a vacation to see u and be with u..that's how much he loves u..and i believe u can feel it too..=) how sweet and lovely couple..i'm so happy for both of u..keke..=)
hey little baby, i need to go out soon to borrow a pair of formal shoes from my friend..lolz, i left my pair of shoes in Malacca which is in my University..~ but i need to use them tomorrow for church services because i'm song leading..it's a waste of time and money to go all the way back to my University just to take a pair of shoes..so i decided to borrow from my fren...so, i hope to hear from u again sweetheart..~ dun u worry bout me, i'll be fine ok??..i'm eating well too..just insufficient sleep because of assignments..it's almost over, tonite i'll be finishing up my last assignment and then i can peacefully prepare for my final exams..keke..~~ take good care yea..love ya michele..=) hugz~ kisses..~
"Cute Owner"Carefree
- 16 years, 5 months, 19 days ago
hey my little sweetie..~~~ i'm back again..lolz, it's been a crazy week for me..u wouldn't understand it unless u're me..i'm suppose to do 3 reports and finish it up together because it all due on the same date..i was so stressed because i couldn't finish it in time and for some questions i really do not know how to answer..so, i was kinda in a confused and stuck situation..my friends (roommates) on the other hand was having so much fun playing computer games, chattin and lauging around..lolz, i was so tempted to join them..but in the end i decided to finish up my work..thanks to u for ur motivation and support all the time..=)
so how've u been lately??..did u miss me??..keke..i miss u lotzz..*hugz*..~ from today onwards, i will not have friday classes, coz we're about to have our final exams already..i can go back earlier on thursdays..that's a good thing..but the sad part is that i'll have to get prepared for my final exams which will begin in the month of October..everything will end in the last week of October, and then i'll have a 3 weeks break..keke..=) but let's not look too far first..haha...~~ so have u started ur classes yet??
Ryu will be going over to be with u in the month of November??..is that true??..wow, i'm so happy for u..and i'm also glad to hear that both of u are doin good these days..anything up u would wanna share with me sweetie??since we've not been communicating for bout a week or more..~ but in everything that u do..always remember that i'm with u..ok?..and u must take good care of uself like what i always said..keke..~ coz i never want anything unexpected to happen to my lovely michele..=) hugz and kisses..=)
"Cute Owner"Carefree
- 16 years, 5 months, 28 days ago
hey sweetttiiieee...~~~~~ so sorry for the late reply, as usual..~~ i'm so dead busy..~~ everything seems to be rushing, and it seems like the world is coming to an end..~~ lolz, just yesterday i had meeting from 1p - 4pm and then 4pm - 5pm went to class for a presentation that we need to do, and then went back home did some work, 8pm-10pm went for badminton training, came home bathe and wash my clothes and then 11.30am went out for 2nd meeting till 2.30am...gosh..when i reached home, i was dead exhausted..~~ plus this morning i had to go to another state in KL for a school trip and i had to wake up at 7am..~~ my lecturer was asking me, why are u so tired??..lolz, i slept all the way throughout the journey in the bus..~~ hahaa..~~ anyway, i'm glad to say that...I"M NOW HOME!!!! lolz, i just drove back from my university hostel bout half an hour ago..~ and i'm so happy to be in my home sweet beautiful and pretty home..~~ haha..~~ but still, this doesn't mean that i got nothin to do..even though i'm home i still got to do my assignments and send it to my group mates and leaders through MSN and e-mails..sighh..~~ i know u're always caring about me, and i truly appreciate that..~~ thank u a lot..and u're always being such a sweetie..hugz..=) and yea, recently i've watched a movie called Babylon A.D..it's a new movie just started to show in the cinemas..well, at the beginning it was good, but then sad to say that the ending of the movie was terrible..my friends and i were like, is that the end??..and some of them don't even understand the story..haha..`~ awww...i'm really sorry to hear about ur situation with ryu..is everything better now??..has the probolem solved??..anyway, he might have his reasons why he wanna change the talkin time, but i know it's also difficult for u to change in such sudden situation..therefore, i know how u feel..so it's ok, i'm always with u..ok??..*hugz*..*hold michele close to me*..keke~ so ryu will be goin over to visit u again in November???..wow, isn't it great then??..this time take more pics and show me ok??..~~ hehe, would love to see those beautiful pics of urs..=) that's for sure..~~ well, sweetie..~~ i guess i'll stop here for now, i need to get a shower..~~ lolz, i havent' bathe yet and it's gettin late..~~ miss ya lots..~ and hugz u all da way..~~ take good care yea..=) *kisses*
"Cute Owner"Carefree
- 16 years, 6 months, 12 days ago
ohh, so u've watched "the mummy" huh??..that's so cool.~~ i'm glad that u liked it too..there are a lot of cool movies coming out soon in the theaters but i don't think i'll be able to watch them coz i've got plenty of work to do..in fact, just yesterday i had a group presentation with my friends..well, my lecturer commented on it and said, " fantastic confidence in presentation but the content wasn't really there."..hahaha...gosh, means we've been speaking a lot but it's not really relevant to some extend..but overall it was ok..so don't u worry..=) and last nite i slept at 2.30am trying to finish up my other assignments which due today..i started from 8.30pm all da wat till 2am.. when i'm done i'm so soooo happy..and go straight to bed coz my eyes could hardly open that time..haha..~~ ok enough bout me, how bout you??..i'm so glad to hear that u've got so much fun at ur friend's birthday party that u even fell asleep when u're on ur way home..haha.. so what u guys had at the party??..what kinda activities? later this evening at 8pm i'll have to go for badminton training..it's our university badminton team training..all who represents the university must attend that training..haha, laziness cannot be tolerated..=p it's so tiring sometimes u know..so do u play any sports there??.and have u been dancing lately??..=) keke..~~~ guess i got to get myself prepared for class already.. another half an hour to class..take care sweetie..=) miss ya..=)*hugz!
"Cute Owner"Carefree
- 16 years, 6 months, 28 days ago
hey, my beautiful little sweetie..~~ how're u doin???..arrhhh, it's Sunday now and i just got back from church..~~ well, i did have a great week in KL staying with my brother till friday evening.. and when we got back, we went straight to Jusco for a movie, "the Mummy".. lolz, have u watched that??..well, some of my friends said it's good, but i think it's just normal, not as interesting as what i thought it was..but overall was still ok..=) and now my holidays are over, i'll be packing up my stuff and goin back to University tmr morning for classes again, awww..there is goes again..~ lolz..hate it but i still got to accept it, coz studying is part of a student's life rite? i even got a presentation on tuesday, and wednesday i got to hand in another assignment which i've not completed yet..after this i'll have to finish it up with my group leader..sigh, it's a lot of work u know..how i wish my holidays were longer..haha..=p what about u over there???..how's ur friend's birthday party??..did u manage to take any pics??..well, if u did, show them to me..i would love to have a look. keke...`~~ look at u smile will definitely brightens up my day as well..=) and how's things with ryu???..great??..=) miss ya a lot u know..=) do take care, and keep in touch always..i may be late in reply sometimes, but i'll always reply, ok sweetie??..=) hugz~
"Cute Owner"Carefree
- 16 years, 7 months ago
hey, my beautiful sweetieee..~~~ i got u some banana split for breakfast, made it specially just for u..~~haha! wow, i thought 45mins is really long, but ur friends hugged u for an hour before??that is really crazy..haha,i bet u must have felt really loved by your friends at that time huh???..are they ur close buddies??..it's good to have people like them around u know, when u're in need these people can help u out..there's a saying that says, " Good friends are like angels, they will lift you up when u have trouble remembering how to fly." err..haha somethin like that..can't really remember all..=p awww..it's really so sweet of u saying me sexy all over, but i'm kinda thin, and there's not much muscular parts on me..haha..=p you know what, u're sexy too..=) and when u smile, it's just perfect..keke~~ and yea, bout my outing to my bro's place, i will still be goin but maybe not for a week, i'll only go there on Wednesday and be back on friday..coz one of my fren who will be following me along couldn't make it there for a week..~ pets?well, i've got a cute little black dog..of coz she was much cuter when she was just a little puppy u know..so we named her cutie..and now she's gotten fatter and more chubby..haha..~ u can rare a puppy but the problem is u gotta clean up each time she does her business in the house..haha..=p but the good thing is, she'll always be by urside..keke..=) so well, good to hear ur aunt's in good condition once again..and u take good care of urself yea??..drink plenty of water..~~ miss ya sweetie..~~ keke!