Now I lay me down to sleep
My humans' bed is soft and deep
I sleep right in the center groove
My human beings can hardly move!
I've trapped their legs, they're tucked in tight
And here is where I pass the night
Peacefully, without a doubt
'Til morning comes and I want out!
I sneak up slowly to begin
nibbling on my humans' chins
they soon awake to care for me
'Cuz I'm their critter, don't you see?
Now morning's here and time to play
(I always seem to get my way!)
From first light to the setting sun
I count my blessings one-by-one!
So thank you Lord for giving me
These human people that love me tight
And share their bed with me at night!
Unknown "Dani" Ferocious
- 17 years, 1 month, 24 days ago