I went sledding with my daughter today and it was awesome..I think that I had more fun than she did...she is quite the little trooper...watching her try and make it up that gigantic hill was pretty wonderful...She's such a great kid.......I think that was enough exercise to last me for the rest of the winter lol......I gotta quit smoking.....It was sure a good time though....I laughed all the way down the hill....it's nice to have that freedom...it's one of the only times you can get your childhood back...just for a few moments wrapped up in that incredible delight...eyes closed and squealing, zooming down that hill hope in excitement that you don't get hurt....it feels so good to do that ....just giggle on down that hill like it's the best thing you have ever done in your life....
Unknown Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
I think it's time for a vacation...I will be immersed in laundry again tomoorw...dishes and floors...sledding at 2 with kids....should be pretty good....I am so tired ....this cold is so draining and it makes my bones ache.....
Unknown Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 18 days ago
TImes are tough and I'm not enough though I'll get through I always do...... Off to bed to sleep awhile hide in the blankets warm and piled so good bye good night sleep ever so tight
Unknown Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 19 days ago
I'm trapped in the closet...and it's dark in here...someone letme out please....:P
Unknown Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 19 days ago
If dreams consist of coffee and cigarettes, endless piles of laundry,laughing,crying children......if finding solitide in the drone of the fridge...the smell of lavender on skin....ceaseless questions and endless answers.................... if those are dreams ...I am in wonderland..........
Unknown Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 19 days ago