if one day u feel like crying... call me. i don't promise that i will make u laugh but i can cry with u. if one day u want to run away-don't be afraid to call me. i don't promise to ask u to stop... but i can ran with u. if one day u don't want to listen to anyone...call me. i promise to remain quite. but one day if u call... and there is no answer... come fast to see me.perhaps i need u. to all ur friends no matter how often u talk. let old friends know u haven't forgotten them and tell new friends that u never will. remember everyone needs a friend don't ever leave the one u love for the one u like because the one u like will leave for the one they love. tonight ur true love will realize how much they love u. if u get this it means the person cares.
- 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago