So we had Jennas hens night on the 15th, and OMG!! WHAT A NIGHT!!!! the stripper was the highlight of the night of course, but nothing can really compare to dancing and drinking the night away with your closest friends! Kiran was a vision in black, Jenna was a little hottie in her black and white dress and Me?? I was outrageously gorgeous of course! what else would i be? lol Unknown"LadyBlue"Frisky
- 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
Well, my beautiful little baby turned 6 on Valentines day. She is a big girl now and has even asked me to not call her Baby :(
Kids really do seem to grow up faster these days. I remember when I was young (it really isnt THAT long ago!!) We used to go to the local Skate Arena and just skate round and round in circles (Ohh the days when we were all so young and innocent!) Now they have these big flash Skate Parks where you have skankily (that is not a typo!) clad young girls flirting with shirtless boys doing flips on skateboards. We didnt care about boys back then! for us it was all about skating, not flirting!
So anyway, I bought a pair of Rollerskates for my baby (Shh, i didnt really call her that!) and took her down to the local skate park. She had a ball!! she scraped up her knees and elbows till there was blood coming through her clothes, but of course she wouldnt let anyone see her mummy put a band-aid on them and kiss them better!! she just got back up again and off she went, much to the enjoyment of the 'big boys' who were cheering her on! All in all it was a good day. we both learnt a lesson, Baby learnt that mummy doesnt need to kiss her sores for them to get better :( and I learnt that it will cost about $5000 to erect a prison cell in my yard to keep the boys away!!!!
Hmm, what should i write? ok well, here goes. I was in an 'off' mood last night so my two bestest friends in the entire world came over to help cheer me up. not only did they cheer me up, they also cleaned my house! but the most important thing they did was remind me that even though i may not be happy, they will always be there for me, whether i need them or want them! so i guess this is really a thank you message, so i had better thank them!
Kiran : we have been friends for about 13 years now, and my god! what years they were! you have stopped me from doing the silliest things but also encouraged me to do silly things! but at the end of the day you have always been there, through thick and thin you never left my side. Thank you for being the best friend a girl can have! Love you hun.
Jenna : I may not have known you for as long as I have Kiran, but the friendship you and I share is just the same as that with Kiran. you are always there, whether i have asked you or not, you always seem to know when your needed. Thank you, you are a wonderful mother, friend, partner, EVERYTHING! you rock!!
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago