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Mark Baker
- 16 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
What I hate is how I'm being called a jackass/"mean person" when I can't even think of 2 things I ever did to deserve being called that; Where-as I have every reason to call you a Bitch/Whore, but do not do so.
I could (and indeed, probably should) make it a known fact that you were a literal whore online for 3 months, having cyber sex with hundereds of guys, then getting a boyfriend and continuing to have cyber sex with all them, but I do not tell anyone that. I don't even call you a fucking whore for doing any of that shit.
I turned a blind eye when I found out about you and Kevin, but honestly, I knew you cheated on me that night. But again, I didn't call you a whore or a bitch.
And I know you cheated on me with at least 3 guys up there over the course of our relationship. My friends up there told me all about what you would do...
And with this whole breakup thing, you never gave a shit; you already had another boyfriend at the time and were just doing your best to make me feel horrible. Even if I didn't have friends up there telling me what they saw at school, it woulda been obvious by your transition from "If you stop talking to me, I will kill myself" to "I'm over you" in less than a day.
So yes, I have every reason to call you a bitch and a whore and a skank, and I have more than enough dirt on you to ruin your reputation in twinsburg, but I don't. Yet you are in a group that pretty much says you want to skin me for what I've done to you.
Also, you say I never cared/loved you and only went out with you because I wanted to take advantage of you; well to that I will say exactly what I think...You are a stupid fucking bitch that takes everything too fucking seriously and lets her friends control what she does/thinks, then goes home and either fucks some random dude online, or makes out with her boyfriend, lets him do everything to make her happy, THEN go home and fuck some random dude online.
So theres your main reason for hating me now; your welcome.
What reason did you have before the one I gave you just now?
Lemme guess "thats what my friends said".
And guess what; You never knew me.
- 17 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
I'm setting you free. I really don't want you anymore. Please do the same for me.
And kendall told me not to say this, but you're being a little too bitchy about everything, and thats why I took you off my friends list on fb and myspace; I dont want to read any more of your "im over you, and you were a jackass to me" bullshit.
I know for a fact that I wasn't mean to you. True, I got angry sometimes, but I am not the reason why you were sad. You have to realize that...
...whats the point, youre just gonna say "but my friends tell me youre horrible" or something...
...well, I'm glad you've moved on and everything, and I don't really want to know what you or your friends think about me, you could hate me for the rest of your life, I don't care. Just please, don't go out of your way to point that out in front of me.
- 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago