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"Italian Pants"

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Once upon a time, I had to go to work and I was sooo bored so I started counting puppies as they walked past the window. I count them twice if they got wiggly tails!
Unknown "Italian Pants" Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 2 days ago
Once a upon a time, a girl went out for her boyfriend's bday party and got really really drunk and then had to go to the hospital as the sun rose coz her sister was having a baby! So she went and pretended to be sober and then after many many hours, her sister had a baby girl.

And also, the girl drunk some liquor that made her puke.

The End.
Unknown "Italian Pants" Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
Once upon a time, the girl from the previous story was doing something other than walking home! She was making italian pasta salad! That's right! In cooking school, just like the little nonna's taught! So she's sharing a table with her cooking buddy and she has chopped up all her vegetables and grated all her cheeses and boiled her penne! Now it's time to cut up the salami... except.. she can't find her salami.. she searches EVERYWHERE!! Then she asks her cooking buddy if he's seen it. He says "yes!" and lifts the lid off a bowl aaand there was Nancy's salami! Then she says "oh goodness! Look at you playing hide the salami!!"

So later she brought her italian pasta salad home, fed it to her italian family and they liked it and all was good!

The End.
Unknown "Italian Pants" Frisky - 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
So this girl was on her way home from work (so many stories start this way). And she was walking past this house in which lived a family who she has seen but never met before.

As she is walking past, she sees the father standing outside talking to this man with a dog. She recognizes the dogged man as Jim, an old fellow who she used to see more of when she was a kid. He lives in the house diagonally behind hers.

So she's all like "hey! Long time no see! How've you been?" and he's all "oh I've been good! Yeah, it's been a while. How are you??".

So they chat, and he introduces her to the guy who lives in that house and somehow in conversation she goes "blah blah blah, well you living behind our house and all" and points in that direction.

He goes "um, no, I live over there" and points in the opposite direction.

She looks at the man's face, looks at his dog, back and his face and says "Oh shit, I think I musta thought you were someone else :|" Oops!! All embarrassed, she talks to them a bit longer and then says "WELL! it was nice meeting you both!" and hussles home real fast!

The End.
Unknown "Italian Pants" Frisky - 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Once upon a time, there was a girl and she was on her way to work on a cold, icy day. So she's walking along the sidewalk, la la la la and she keeps looking over her shoulder to see if the bus is coming and then all of a sudden WHOOOOP! she's on her ass on the sidewalk! Or more accurately, on her side, "ouch my knee!", she says and leans back on the palms of her hands and starts laughing at how retarded she musta looked to the guy that is was walking down the street towards her. When he got to her, he asked if she was okay and she said yeah and asked if she looked retarded and he said no but she knew he was just being polite. :) She is about to go to bed now and have a look at what spectacular bruising musta surfaced by now! The End.
Unknown "Italian Pants" Frisky - 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
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I just thumbed your Tale(s)!!! w00t!
Awesome profile
Sirus "Betty's ♥" Back where he belongs.. - 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
No Concern
Stopped by to say hello en leave some thumbs. And JAVA is the word!!
No Concern "♥my evil paNda" Reconnected - 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago

You have been given I miss you.
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Unknown "SexOnACracker" Ecstatic - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
i need a rest...need a nice soft jiggly bum
You have been given Comfy bum to sleep on.
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Unknown "worth the fight" Content - 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
oh, i'm not a doctor
You have been given Dr. Tran.
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Unknown "worth the fight" Content - 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago

You have been given Best Owner Award.
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Unknown "SexOnACracker" Ecstatic - 17 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
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