i dreamed about pain last night.
about suffering and tears.
an influence introduced into a perfectly stable environment.
it brought naught but disease and it spread like a noxious gas.
the pain shook the earth like nothing else that had ever been experienced.
it brought never-ending rains.
flooded the lands and drowned the inhabitants in the valleys.
it caused tremors from within the ground itself.
so sudden and jarring that the weakened body split right open.
those that were too close tumbled in and fell
and fell
down into the bottomless, black void.
any words spoken, any cries for help went unheard
as the screaming thunder filled the air.
his booming voice demanding all attention
evil and hate were all about.
tainting all in its path.
it shook the earth so violently that nothing survived its damage.
Unknown "Mine" Purring
- 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago