I have had a diff type life then most people I have 6 brothers and 1 sister when I was growing up my brothers and sister had everything they wanted all the way up to new cars and special cars that there was only so many of them made well once I turned about 14 by that time all my brothers and sister had moved out and my mom got sick so my mom took me out of school and I took care of her I made her 3-5 meals a day I saved her life about 5 times a year then my mom got really sick and got put in the hospital and she found out she had cancer and she passed I love my mom more then anything in this whole world and her wordds still go threw my mind everytime I make a choice in my life Unknown"SPECIALCANDYKISS"Sleepy
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
I would like to say that Rita & Shawn are my best friends they are some cool mother fuckers
- 17 years, 5 days ago
I love all my pets they are so sweet and they all have something special about them that make me happy and their names have meaning Unknown"SPECIALCANDYKISS"Sleepy
- 17 years, 17 days ago
I turned 25 on Jan 12 and I had the best birthday party ever most all of my friends showed up and it was a true blast we played beer bitch and got drunk my best friend Rita made my cakes and I love her Unknown"SPECIALCANDYKISS"Sleepy
- 17 years, 25 days ago