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Unknown's tales
And so it comes another day, we trip, we stumble, we fall, stare at the ground wondering how our graceful motion was so strangely and gratuitiously interupted, ponder awhile sometimes reaching a conclusion though often forgoing the effort, then pick ourselves up and carry on. Sometimes people think they're fortunate enough to have the aid of others, sometimes they choose to dust themselves off on their own, and in some cases the dust stays waiting to be added to the next time a fall occurs. Life moves in strange ways and sometimes the falls contain the seeds of the answers we sought to other issues that have arisen, the message coming through a bizarrely tangential event which seems inherently disconnected. Syncronicity is a strange little child, the good in never questioned and the less good sometimes labelled tragic, oddly it can all be good, it just depends from which direction you're looking and the perspective you take. freedom comes in strange forms and sometimes is vaguely unrecognisable, by looking through fresh eyes and seeing beyond the obvious new wonders can be found, and with each step you then take the bolder joy of freedom can then become more apparent. Bleesings to all, regardless of how well travelled the path they follow is. :)
Unknown Lonely - 16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
He he, off to Glastonbury festival for three days of kicking back, having fun and generally letting go, ain't life great!!! :)
Unknown Lonely - 16 years, 8 months, 14 days ago
So here we are, into June already, nearly half the year disappeared in a haze and wondering whats happened that's made it seemingly disappear so fast and exactly what I've done and what I have to show in terms of accomplishments this year. So much has happened in the last three weeks or so and I'm feeling truly inspired and full of energy, the more I do the more I seem able to do. Even better this seems to now be spilling over to various friends of mine who are now taing their first tentative steps to freedom! :) Life is great, you just need to know how to work around the rules or change them if need be!! Only if it's for the good of all of course though :) x
Unknown Lonely - 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
OK, so here we are in the midst of the doom and gloom that the press are saying is the current climate for business and the property market, yet still and totally contrary to evrything that is being said by so called 'experts' amazing things are happening! I've said before that I have set off on my own path, and whilst at times the path has been rocky it has allowed for some awesome things to occur, today more evidence of that has come through. So hey everyone, when you know what you want from life then just follow your heart and go for it, amazing things DO happen when you set your mind and heart on them, and providing that the outcome is good for everyone concerned then the results will come through for you!!! :)
Unknown Lonely - 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
So a wandering Wolf I myself find, upon the paths I tread afresh to the scents that few have picked up, with destinations many and far. I head along that route less followed, heading for a union far geater than words can ever relay, the light that calls burns bright and pure with a clarity of knowledge long forgotten by far too many. At times this life is quiet, though the colour brought by the meeting of souls along the route brings a wamth to the heart that pales all else in comparison, with heart and mind and soul clean and pure of intention I work my way toward the oneness. Finding an ever growing sense of freedom as I move with each step, and far from being a burden this journey lifts the weight from me, and so with motion always forward I find myself the life I choose. To oneness, to love and to freedom, may we each all find and enjoy what it is we seek this life, and cherish when we receive it into our lives. Lux.
Unknown Lonely - 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago

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Salma Selim

You have been given Hiii.
Crafted by Salma Selim
Salma Selim "PeaceGirl" Peaceful - 16 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
Hope you're having a great week!!
You have been given Sweet Rainbow kiss.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "ѕнιƒту's" Hopeless - 16 years, 3 months, 19 days ago

You have been given Some Private Time.
Crafted by Roshelle
Unknown "Aurora Borealis" left HP goodbye - 16 years, 4 months, 20 days ago

You have been given Sexy Dance for U.
Crafted by Frank Frenik
Unknown "Aurora Borealis" left HP goodbye - 16 years, 4 months, 20 days ago

You have been given ♫ I want to put you to bed ♫.
Crafted by Tee
Unknown "Aurora Borealis" left HP goodbye - 16 years, 4 months, 20 days ago

You have been given homework.
Crafted by Christy
Unknown "Aurora Borealis" left HP goodbye - 16 years, 4 months, 20 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Spiritual Evolution

For the items that ease a mood and cleanse the emotions

You're Beautiful!
1 use

200 pts
You're Beautiful!
Bought by 2 people
1 use

300 pts
Bought by 4 people
Calm from the Storm
1 use

400 pts
Calm from the Storm
Bought by 12 people
Sweetness from Nature
1 use

400 pts
Sweetness from Nature
Bought by 21 people
Spiritual Aid
1 use

400 pts
Spiritual Aid
Bought by 0 people
Full Moon Rose
1 use

500 pts
Full Moon Rose
Bought by 7 people
Warmth of the Sea
1 use

400 pts
Warmth of the Sea
Bought by 3 people
Divine Light
1 use

400 pts
Divine Light
Bought by 4 people
Soul Love
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500 pts
Soul Love
Bought by 10 people

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