Once upon a time, in a town in northern Alberta, a girl was born. Two weeks later she was adopted by a loving couple and named Kendra. They were a loving family, and two years later we adopted a boy and brought him home, too. Time went by, she grew up and taught herself to tie her shoes, pestered her brother and did all the things young girls do. She never understood the doll thing, though. Maybe that's because she had a little brother? She went to school and did alright, had friends and was liked by all her teachers. Grade eight happened to be frightfully awful for Kendra, and she became something akin to a turtle, growing a hard shell hid inside, "safe" from all the bad people around her. More time went by and Kendra decided to go to college, and she slowly came out of her shell. At one time she thought university would be the place to be, but the timing was off, so she went back home. She needed to pay her bills, so she tried her hand at several jobs and "got by"...
At one point, Kendra took a road trip to Calgary to see The Phantom Menace on the opening day. She was raised to check the tires, check the oil and stuff before going on a road trip and that's what she did... Unfortunately she neglected to put the oil cap back on after topping it up, and caused an engine fire that destroyed her car. On the up side, this enabled her to move to The Big City. A new and exciting (?) chapter of her life was begun.
Kendra lived with family friends until she found her own apartment. It was close to her work, on the edge of downtown and it was just perfect for her. The job she found which brought her to The Big City was a midnight job, and it paid her bills, but it wasn't anything exciting... And, to her way of thinking, management walked all over it's employees. And just when you thought they wouldn't stoop any lower, they would surprise us and stoop to a new low. Without getting into details, Kendra quit that job, but not before TOO much time had passed. You see, Kendra does not deal well with change. Kendra hates it, and resists it tooth and nail. But she did quit her job and sought out greener pastures in a company called Telus Communications...
And once again, a new and exciting (?) chapter was begun. That was just four months ago. For a person that resists change tooth and nail, Telus was a whole lot of change. For one, there was no fixed schedule, and days Kendra THOUGHT she had off could be chaged to work days at the drop of a hat. Kendra was not happy at Telus at all. And she was getting behind in her bills... And then, one day in December, management decided it was time to close the office Kendra worked in. So Kendra HAD to embrace change. She knew something had to change for a while because she had never been behind in bills before. That should have been clue #1, but it took something drastic to shake her up. So, Kendra has been spending part of her free time wading through online job applications and applying to job postings online. As of Friday, January 11, Kendra has two job interviews to show for her efforts. Let's all wish Kendra luck, shall we? She has a great ball of anxiety stewing in the pit of her stomach, but I'm sure she will do fine after a good night's sleep.
Unknown "Special K" Sleepy
- 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago