Oh, my brothers...
Sitting and drying off in my domy, I viddy A devotchka I know Tricoloré, on the jabber. I slosshy what she has to shazat and we decide to meet up at the place the ded go.
I get there before her and think about ordering something but hold off instead. I read the gazetta for bit, gloopy cal. "Hello David", I know that goloss but it loveted me off guard. She is beautiful as always but bolnoy from being out late and wants to peet chai. I know a better mesto than this and offer a change of scene.
Her listo and luscious glory are the same as I remember, beautiful like a horrorshow sneety you never woke from.
Oh, my brothers...
We sit and order kleb, chai for her, a Belgium firegold for me and some other pischcha while we exhange our raskazzes. I can't help but smech because everything is going so well for her in life, I feel great radosty for her. Other than having to use a tashtook occasionally as she is not feeling well the conversation was sladky but the raz went by too skoory. I gooly a few blocks with her towards her domy but she wanted to keep me from vidding it. I respected that and wished her a good evening.
Unknown "ziggy" Cheeky
- 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago