LMAO. OKAY. This guy in my class went to the caf. today, and tried to order a diet water IN A BRITISH ACCENT for himself. HAHA! This is pretty much how it went:
Yash(the guy): [With accent] Hii ther. May II please hav a DIE(T) WA(T)ER?
Caf lady: A water?
Yash: [no longer with accent but with a serious face] No, a diet water..
Caf lady: What? Hon-honey, there is no DIET water?
Then the caf lady goes and stares at the other lady, and they were like 'what?! diet water? there's no diet water?! you can't have DIET water....'
Yash: Oh... okay. [leaves]
LMAOO. OKAY IT WAS UBER FUNNY. I was in charge of filming it.. except i was kinda too busy laughing, so all i shot was his head... and the part where the caf lady was talking to the other woman about the non existance of diet water.
Unknown "§ Kaye Angel §" Festive
- 17 years, 8 days ago