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"Ms Lovely Eyes"

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Unknown's tales
Somehow, it warmed upto -11 out today.
I think over the next week it's supposed to even go into +2♥
I'm glad it's not bad today though as I have a metting to go to. Seems I'm now part of staff for a local anime/Asian culture convention in my small city (
Last year we had about 200 people, this year I'd like to see 350... I'd say 400, but the place we're renting has a capacity of 350, it seems.
Ah, as we get more popular, I'm sure that'll steadily grow as well.

I'm looking forward to it. I like promoting things and seeing how many places we can reach out to.
There's literally nothing else like this in the region (North Western Ontario) so... it's something unique and fun for people that can't travel farther for the bigger conventions.
Anyway, I must prepare to leave as I take public transit and it's not as frequent as I'd like it to be xD
Unknown "Ms Lovely Eyes" Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
-40 should NOT be a temperature.
That's INSANELY cold.
In short, I really hate Canada this time of the year.
Unknown "Ms Lovely Eyes" Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
Some plans that I had been really looking forward to all week fell through tonight.
Without an explanation to top it off.
I was pretty upset until a friend shoved a video my way on youtube.
Thank you, Kim Heechul. You made my night so much better♥ (watch ALL the parts 8D)

...Actually, I'm still sad I didn't get to hang out with the person I was supposed to.
But Heechul has softened the blow to my heart♥
Unknown "Ms Lovely Eyes" Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
I recently read that eating brocolli can help battle dark circles under one's eyes.
So I decided to give it a try. I need to find some tastey meals that involve gratuitious amounts of brocolli as just mixing with other veggies steamed isn't the most delectable.
Also, brocolli is expensive at this time of the year. For three measly little stalks I was charged around 4$.
Let's see how long my wallet allows me to keep this sort of diet up.

Unknown "Ms Lovely Eyes" Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 23 days ago

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I thought I was the only person in my isolated tower of indeciferable speech...who even knew about Dir en Grey.... I couln't even begin to tell you what song is my favorite but I really enjoy Conceivable Sorrow and Dead Tree and Kodou......Rock On!
David "Intrigued" Intrigued - 16 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
Joe Vamp
haha why sadly? becos it has turned into an ADDICTION..and u know..any type of drug addiction is sad
and after watchin a few video of miyavi spazing..i realised tat he's either really high on drugs or...he's really a kid. either way, i still like him =)
ohhhh malice mizer eh... isnt tat gackt's band? are their songs any good?
haha ive never actually been "up to" my guitar....only been busy studyin for this med exam the whole time..................i wont be free till end of march *sigh* then i still have uni to go to....
You have been given * Are you ready to ROCK? *.
Crafted by Joe Vamp
Joe Vamp Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
Joe Vamp
yes sadly..i became a miyavi fans as well (within a couple of days after being introduced to his music haha)
ohhh if u really want to have a listen to his latest album..most of the songs are available on youtube (PVs too)
Oh..I started playing elect guitar not too long ago..and the whole reason why i started learning (self taught) was becos i wanted to play all my favourite songs especially the guitar solos =P so yea, theres no talent involved...its just practice practice practice! but then i did play piano while i was young (yerrr i have asian parents)
but nonetheless, if you have the determination and time to learn an instrument then, by all means, go for it!

You have been given ♥ Rock on ♥.
Crafted by Yumi
Joe Vamp Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
Joe Vamp
haha guess wat? Im absolutely going crazy over Miyavi rite now haha...i went out searching for his concerts on dvd and found this one called "Thiz iz the original samurai style" first i didnt really pay attention but after a while the tunes/melody really got in my head LOL and ive been listening to his latest album- AZN Pride-Thiz iz the Japanese kabuki rock. haha i really like the hip-hop beat of his songs. i also really like Hi no Hikari Sae Todokanai Kono Basho De.

oh also, im learning how to play itoshii hito too >O<...! Im nearly there haha..gotta admit the solo is pretty awesome
You have been given You make me go SPAZ ღ.
Crafted by Joe Vamp
Joe Vamp Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 16 days ago

You have been given a *FUN* Japanese school uniform.
Crafted by Richard
Unknown "FS Tomo Kitty" Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
Joe Vamp
haha didnt have the money? i just found out theres still X-japan concert tickets left but they were the most expensive ones..each $1200 HKD ><...cant afford tat much for a concert haha
haha i think im in love with "itoshi hito" as well..its a beautiful song...and gotta love his voice. but i think his voice really suits rock/heavy metal style :|
oh btw, i recently heard of this band called Girugamesh and this song "Break down" is pretty neat =) but then its metal...perhaps not exactly ur taste..?
You have been given ♥*~ Bang ~*♥ .
Crafted by Yumi
Joe Vamp Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
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